Cant let you go...

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Two months later....

Sam's pov:
We arrive at the crimes scene and it doesnt take long for me to notice a particular someone on the other side of the yellow tape,

We get past and i tap her shoulder she turns around.

"Hello agents fancy seeing you here we have got to stop meeting like this eh?" (Y/n) jokes

"Yes we really do fill us in." I tell her.

"Alright so 5am 20 yr old jane doe is found dead she appears to have bite marks on her neck they say animal attack but i say different she we take this to the morgue?"

"We shall." Dean says.

We follow her to the morgue and we view the victim and in no time we find the culprit a vamps nest we take care of it then head out to a bar.
But (y/n) was ready to move on to another case.

"Hey do you really have to go?" I ask her.

She shrugs.

"Why are you always in such a rush can you at least stay with us for one drink?"

Your pov:

And then there it goes he hits me with his famous big puppy dog eyes.
They were always my weakness.

"Dont do that." I say.

"Do what?" He asked innocently.

"The puppy dog eye thing you know you always get me with them."

He continued to give me puppy eyes."fine! Ill stay you happy?"

He finally stops."very." He smiles.

I roll my eyes and grab my coat"you guys are driving me!"


I hop into the back seat of the impala and soon find myself jamming out to some metallica with dean.
Then we arrived at the bar.

Soon dean finds a hook up and then its just me and sam. We found ourselves reminiscing over our college days.

"So what ever happened to jessica lord knows you would not stop talking about her."

"Well um she....she...died a demon got her."

"Im sorry to hear that." I say sincerely.

"It ok, so what about was there anybody you fell for in college."

"Nah except this one guy in yale but he turned out to be horn dog sex was always on that guys mind."


"One time he tried to take off my panties while i was sleeping and when i caught him and asked him what he was doing he said he was checking to see if i farted."


"Yea he was a huge idiot."

We laughed for a bit,

God that laugh.

I mentally scold myself for thinking that.

"Well i guess you have to go now." Sam says.

"No actually i dont wanna risk drunk driving so i guess ill stay till tomorrow morning."

"So do you think maybe i could stay with you til then considering yknow?"

"Dean?yea i guess." I say.

We hot wire a car and drive to the hotel we arrive and go to my hotel room.

"So you can take the be since youre a giant you need the room." I say.

"Im fine on he couch ive fallin asleep in the impala before its fine."

"But youre in my hotel room and im tinier than you so i can-."

"Lets just sleep together, i promise i wont touch you i promise."

"Fine." I say.

I put on my grey shorts and tank top and lay on my side of the bed.

Sam was already asleep on his side with his back against me. He only had on his tshirt,jeans and socks.


"(Y/n) i have something very important to tell you." We both say at the same time.
We laugh.

"You first." I say.

'This could be what ive been waiting to hear forever!'

"Yknow jessica right the new girl to the group?"

"Yea what about her?"

"We are going out!!"

I felt my heart break into a million pieces something told me they would get together soon they always hung out with each other just like we used to..

"Thats awesome im happy for you!!" I say giving him a hug as i fight my tears

"Whats your news?" Sam asked

"Well i just got a letter from yale and they gave me a scholarship and im thinking about taking it!" I say smiling

"That great!go for it!" Sam said.


We talked for a little bit then went our separate ways i went to my dorm the minute i closed the door all my sadness came at me all at once.
I fell to the ground crying as i remember all the time we've spent together. When people would always mistake us for a couple. When our friends would tease us cause we always hang out with each other more than the group. A time where i thought we had a chance but i was wrong i didnt even have a fighting chance.

I curse myself for letting it come to this i get up and get all my clothes and stuff and just leave i cant stand being near him without letting my mind take me back to the past.
It only kills me more that he acts like we are perfect strangers who are becoming friends.

After lots if drivin i pulled over into a resting area and fell asleep.


We were sitting in my house cleaning dishes from dinner i washed he rinsed and dried.
I splashed him with water,

"Hey thats cool!!" Sam says laughing.

I shrug and splash him again and laugh as suds fall on top of his head,

"You think this is funny?" Sam asked,

"Very." I continue laughing.

"Wont be funny for loong." He chased me around the house then finally tackled me onto the couch and tickled me.

"Please have mercy!!" I say laughing.

Sam laughs and stops then gives me a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you." I say smiling

He looks at me as if he wanted to say something but he held back instead he jus continued to kiss me playfully as i giggled.

I wake up to my phone ringing.

It was sam i dont even answer.

I need to keep myself from falling hard for him again.

Loving Me Isnt An Option... (Sam WinchesterX Reader)Where stories live. Discover now