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"Do you think Silverclaw will ever return?" Pineheart meowed, with a glance at Flowerdapple who was chatting with Mistyflame near the freshkill pile.

"Pineheart!" Gorsefire meowed in surprise. "We don't talk about -"

"Gorsefire, I know but you know what he said."

"I know." Flamestorm sighed. "But talking about it isn't going to change it."

"Maybe not. But I'm scared." Pineheart sighed. "I'm scared for my Clan, my Clanmates, and the new kits."

"We''re all scared. " Toadpelt added. "Silverclaw's betrayal touched us all."

"The worst part is...what will Silverclaw do when he comes back?" Pineheart meowed.

"Only StarClan knows."

"Then may StarClan protect us all." Pineheart meowed. The elders fell silent and Pineheart looked to the sky. Only a few cats remembered Silverclaw, and those who did lived with a constant fear of his return.

"Everything will be fine." Flamestorm meowed. "I have faith that we will be fine."

"I sure do hope you are right." Pineheart replied.

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now