#1 (11\23\2016: 9:51 PM)

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Well, it's almost Thanksgiving. The most feastial (I made that up) time of year. The day of Turkey and Crescent Rolls and Stuffing and Ambrosia and Cranberry Sauce and all this other shit that is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes and delicious to the mouth.

But, have you ever dived into the meaning of Thanksgiving? The story with Sarah Miller and the Pilgrims, joining with the Indians in exchange for various items. For their peace, they all joined together for a feast; a banquet to celebrate their friendship. Thus, Thanksgiving was born. That's the story you all heard, by your second grade teacher and made finger turkeys while writing cheesy poems to our parents, as well as watching Charlie Brown. (Those were the days, fam.)

Want to know the true story? A group of settlers did come to the early Americas, but brought Smallpox. They killed almost every single Indian, except for Squanto, of whom was nice enough to provide items for them. They held a banquet in his honor, and sent word to England and Spain. Therefore, more Settlers joined, like the Puritans. They went around slaughtering many Indians, and claimed the land as Englands. Well, the Pequot Tribe had not agreed to the treaty that Squanto signed...  and it led to the bloodiest Indian wars in known history.

That's not the point, though. The point is, Indians were slaughtered and killed over settlers who were selfish and greedy, tried to steal already known and claimed territory.

Greed and suffering. That's what Thanksgiving is trying to prohibit. It's to show that you should be thankful for everything, because life, although rough, is supposed to help you live. To learn, to understand, and to prosper. Be that person. Be thankful for everything, your parents, the fact that you can wear your clothes and enjoy this large meal, that you have a roof over your head... it's all vital, and it's all relevant. Don't be greedy, and enjoy what you have.

After all, you could have it much worse. Love you guys, and I'm thankful for all of you. ❤

Have a great night, and have an amazing Thanksgiving. Make the best of it. :')

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