The Brothers meet Yuka

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This is a Brother Bear Fanfiction, I don't own any of this. Except for my OC.

This is my first ever fanfiction, let me know what you guys think and hope you like it! :)

Name: Yuka

Life story: Yuka was 12 years old when she had been abandoned by her tribe while they were moving land, they didn't care for her, so the tribe just kept on going without a care. She was lost and hungry, she tried her best to find shelter. Until one day, she went hunting for fish and she heard some noises coming from a river, she went to investigate and saw three boys, and from the looks of it, they were brothers. The three of them were also hunting for fish just like she was. They were playing around and bickering at each other while they were fishing, they looked so happy... she felt envious. Suddenly, she lost her footing and broke a twig, which alerted the three boys and they stopped talking. Yuka tried to hide herself has much as possible, but one of them found her. From what she can see it was the eldest of the three. He asked her what she was doing and she explained to him what happened, he looked at her with a gentle pity in his eyes and decided to bring her to their tribe. There, she would start her new life.

Yuka is now 19 years old and became great friends with Kenai, Denahi and Sitka. She considers them as her brothers.

Yuka's Pov

Today is a very special day for Kenai, he will be getting his totem. I'm a year older then Kenai, so I already have my totem. My totem is the Otter; it's meaning is friendship which I thought was pretty fitting for me.

I was chatting with Denahi and Sitka wondering where Kenai was. Until...

"Get down!"

"What?" The eldest, Sitka says as me and Denahi both raise our heads in Kenai's direction.

"Get down, get down!" He yelled as he kept running down the hill towards us, with a large herd of caribous behind him.

"Kenai!" Denahi and I yelled as we all jumped behind our canoes for cover, Kenai also joined us shortly after we hid. We watched in shock as the caribous jumped over us while Kenai only laughed, I stared at Kenai in disbelief, he looked at me and only laughed more. As I was staring at Kenai, I saw a caribou's hoof hit the back of Denahi's head, he held his head in pain resulting in me holding my hand in front of my mouth and chuckling slightly.

"Never try to milk a caribou." He said after the last of them jumped over us.

"You're an id-" I was cut off as Denahi tackled Kenai to the ground. Kenai fell on his back while Denahi was on top of him pinning his arms down, Denahi then started to drool on his younger brother... ewww. "No, no. Don't, don't. No. Come on, don't. No, no, no". Kenai begged and I just shuddered at the scene in front of me. Sitka walked over to them and grabbed both their shirts.

"Hey. Will you two knock it off?" He says with an annoyed expression on his face.

"You're telling them to knock it off? You might as well just save your breath as they will never stop" I smirked. He looked at me and only groaned because he knew I was right.

"That's all right" Kenai started. "After today, he won't treat me like that anymore" I snickered lightly causing Kenai to look at me with a frown.

"What? You don't believe me? Now I'll definitely show you!" I only sighed at his response and looked at Denahi as he started talking.

"Oh right, the big manhood ceremony. It doesn't matter what the spirits say, you'll always be my baby brother." He said with a baby voice.

"Oh yeah? Well, wait until I get my totem."

"Baby brother"

"AH!" Kenai started swinging his fists at him and Denahi started doing the same.

I got bored watching them fight, so I started walking towards the canoes to pick mine up. I carried my canoe to the water, got in and waited for them.

"Hey! You guys coming or what? We need to catch those fish before the ceremony starts!" I yelled to the brothers.

"Wait up, Yuka!" Kenai got out of Sitka's grasp, quickly took his canoe and ran towards me in the water. I looked at the other two and waved at them. Sitka smiled and ran towards the canoes, resulting in Denahi falling on his butt. I laughed and he shrugged it off by smiling, and ran for his canoe.



I looked back and smiled brightly at them, I'm so lucky to have them as a family. They looked at me and I quickly turned my head to the front.

"What's up, Yuka?" The eldest asked me with a pique of curiosity in his voice. "You were smiling at us." Kenai and Denahi were also interested and looked at me.

"Oh, nothing..."

"Whatever you say, Yuka." he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, but smiled lightly to myself. I have the best family.

There you go! Here's part 1. Tell me how you guys liked it and I'll try to update it as quickly as possible!

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