It was a silent night and crickets were having their evening conversations,the moon was full and on a cliffs edge stood a wolf ,fur, pitch black and eyes that have seen too much in this world ,who had fought too many battles.He belonged to a pack ,a pack of brothers and sisters who only have letters as their name ,(A,L,G,D,T) . They have fought beside each other for many battles and this wolf (S) has saved their lives moore than they can remeber.He was the fastest, most vicious and strongest of them all.They admired him not for that but for being there when he was needed and when he wasnt he was not to been seen .This battle was going to be his last.He led the pack into was against hundreds of hungry enemy wolves just a few paces ahead of L .They howled and ploughed through the front line L and S were an unstoppable machine that would kill anything and anyone .But this time S had recieved a greeting to his leg with a mouth of teeth ...A ,G and D were too unstopable they lashed out at anthing somehow always found their target .This time too A was down . The rest of the pack were on the otherside and hadnt noticed until it was too late .S got up with blood trickling down his leg and saw the chocolate brown wolf lying near him with J advancing for the kill on her. Right at the last minute he jumped out in front of her and yelled to J "i will defend her to the DEATH" .So be it said J and still with a wounded leg he killed J and in that time A had managed to limp away.S couldnt go on for much longer and the rest of the enemy wolves closed in and his brothers sat there and watched their brother die. A day later they they arrived at the battle field and their brother who had defended them, helped them ,fought for them, lay in a pool of blood beside them all because when he needed them they werent there...