I woke up in something soft that felt expensive, it was cool all around except around me and I could tell through my eyelids that it was dark. Where was I?
I was wearing something loose and soft. There was a bizarre splash sound that made me have to pee, where was I?! I heard a rustling about four yards away then I heard talking. My head felt scrambled so I couldn't understand the voice at first or recognize it but it was a nice voice.
"I don't know, I wasn't thinking, I was cold and there she was. No, I didn't look very much… I WILL NOT! I don't know, I'll figure it out!"
Time to open my eyes. There was this thick gross sticky feeling like I hadn't opened them in a long time. I know I blinked at least twelve times. Finally I could see, I sat up and my back popped twice and it wasn't the type of pop that losened things up, it was a loud, ugly sound that felt really miserable.
I looked around and first saw a fountain, well, more like a waterfall… Nexted I saw one of the most beautiful people in my life, he was Asian and had light skin and blue eyes, probably contacts, his hair was also a light color damp, hanging straight down. I wanted to touch it, it looked really soft even wet. He finally turned and his eyebrows were pulled together and down and one corner of his mouth was pulled back and down, I guess frustration but it was actually really cute!
"Hello, can you tell me what your name is?" he asked politely, his voice was deep and almost groggy. It was.………… erotic.
"It's... Um....umr.... I...don't think I know my name...." I struggled, he deffinetly thinks I'm lying.... I was feeling panicked and worried, what if I had family or friends and because I don't know my name they won't know me any more?! That's not rational, I said to myself.
"Do you think that you migh know where you live?" he asked patiently, and very kindly. I wanted to give him an answer but I just couldn't! "Oh well, I'm sure someone will report you missing!" he was so optimistic and logical that I suddenly thought 'this is definitely my ideal type of man'.
"What do I do until then?" I asked slowly.
"I'm not sure, really. If you have no where to go I will let you stay here, it's no problem. Right now there's the problem of clothes and you don't smell very wonderful..." he said it so thoughtfully that I didn't get offended.
"Then, may I use your shower?" I asked, but I would have pleaded, I felt so gross. He pointed out a door to the left. I looked down and saw a huge circular bed and I was wearing a men's undershirts and boxers. I don't know why but I was suddenly thought that I should be embarrassed. But I jus wasn't.
I crawled out of the bed and went into the bathroom and looked at the potty, I all but flew to it! Then I went to wash my hands and looked in the mirror. The face was pale, the skin barley an off white. The hair was thick, brilliant red, and layered, a top layer that looked like a whole haircut by itself that went down to shoulder length, then there was the bottom half that went to my waist.
The eyes were a really bright light blue and if you looked close it looked like it was recovering from a black eye. They looked Asian too, maybe I'm biracial. The eyelashes were long, thick, and jet black… like they were feathers or something… The face was perfectly proportioned and very beautiful but it was a strangers face, not mine, not fimiliar.
The man slowly knocked on the door and asked if I needed help, I said no, he said that the left knob was cold and the right was hot. He also opened the door a little and threw a robe on the side of the tub, IT WAS HUGE!! It was deep and wide, a monster tub that could swallow you in one gulp!
It filled up slowly and I added the instructed bubble bath he mentioned. When I got in I pledged to stay there for the rest of my life! I felt so at peace but then I saw these round things stacked in a pyramid in a decorative dish and started yelling for the man.
"Excuse me!" I shouted.
"Yes? Is something wrong " he asked through the door.
"No but what are these things? Come look!" he didn't respond for a little then finally.
"But you're naked…"
"You changed me right? I'm covered by bubbles!" I just had to know what they were! Some were translucent and colored and others were multicolored some had flakes, they were all pretty! He slowly came in looking at everything but the tub. I pointed and he chuckled.
"Those are bath bombs! You don't know those?" he said amused.
"I guess not. Can I use one please !" I stared at them. They were so cool. He picked one up, unwrapped it and dropped it in. "IT'S FIZZY! IT'S LIKE TAKING A BATH IN SODA!" I yelled then burst into giggles. He smiled and sat on the edge of the tub seeming to be more at ease. I leaned on the side looking at him. "What's your name?"
"You can call me Gackt Camui" he said quietly. "Should we give you a name for now?" I nodded splashing up fizzy water. "How about.....Yuki?" I stuck my tongue out. "How about…Mizuki? Mizu for short." I sighed.
"What about.... Bomb? Bombby or BB." I smiled and nodded vigorously. It was perfect! "What is your job Gackt?"
"Hold on, I'll show you!" he came back with an acoustic guitar. He started sing a really pretty song, it was so soothing...
After the song I asked "Are you a singer?" he nodded, "You must travel a lot." he nodded, "I'm jealous! I want to travel!"
He just smiled and said "Surely in the future you will!" after that he left and I finished bathing and got in the robe drying my hair in the towel.
Who am I?
Hmmm....what will happen?