Love is in the air

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The night before the best day ever: I thought I better go feed the bunnies before I go to bed so I can get a early start tomorrow morning and be ready for school on time. I'm finally awake but its 8:00am and I have just a little bit less than a hour to have breakfast,brush my teeth,wash my face,get dressed,do my hair,make the sandwiches,do the bunnies food and pack my bag. I have done half of the list already and it's twenty to 9:00. and finally I've done everything and now I'm walking to school. I walk in the gate the bell rings as children run to there classes. I'm taken down to a bunch of children running in a huddle to get to there classes. As I get up I ran down to my classroom just my luck my teacher has already done the role he sends me up to get a late note. As I come down Sam yells my name and he says "Hi what are you doing".with a smirk on his face. I said"Hi I was getting a late note. And he said "oh ok" and we walked down to class he walked in first then I walked in he sat next to his friends and I sat next to mine. There was a awkward silence between us. At recess I decided to play basketball with him and his friends Lewis,Alex,Mason or masoon as people like to call him and Jackson. I shoot as manny hoops as I could i taught Sam how to shoot a netball hoop with a basketball he was pretty good but I was better (no effence to him) the bell rang for class and we had music with mis robo she is super nice we watched a very educational show called PINGOO. It was so funny then we did maths Shoot and we had boys in one line and girls in the other the point of the game is to say the answer to the question before the other person.after that it was lunch and we played basketball again it was fun. Me and Sam hang out more and when people were at one end we would move to the other side of the court. The bell rang after what felt like hours with Sam and his friends but we had to go up when we got in class we had to do BTN and Sam was sitting next to Jordan then he got up and sat next to me I was happy. Then we had scripture but I didn't have to so I hung out with a bunch of other people. Then the day came to a end.

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