Its Been Months

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I sat in my bed, just waking up, tears in my eyes. I slightly turned to see what the time was on my alarm clock that was sitting on my dresser. The light from the alarm clock lightly dimming in the darkness of my bedroom read 6 AM on the dot. I sighed, irritated. I turn on the lamp to see, however I kind of regretted it when the light blinded me. "Fuck!" I get out of my bed sluggishly, making my way to my dresser. My phone was flipped upside down, the way I set it earlier. I nonchalantly grab it, even though I kind of didn't want to. 

After, swiping the lock screen, instantly go to my messages, where I noticed I had 20 unread texts. Most of them were from Audrey, as well as Wisconsin (my friend, Lamar) and my dad who hasn't been home for a while, due to this out of town job thing he had to go do. I click on Audrey's name, opening the pile of messages she had sent me. I read them quickly, my eyes scrolling down the screen of my phone  

Audrey: Hon, are you okay??

Adurey: Plz talk to me! I know you're going through a rough time, but you know I'm here for you!

Audrey: Look, I know he was thrown in jail again, but he is getting out soon! 

Audrey: Don't give up hon! I'm coming over on Saturday to check on you! I know your dad's gone so, I know you're alone, so-

I stopped myself from reading them. I just couldn't read them no more. A tear went down my right cheek. Ronnie had been in prison for over 5 months now. Apparently, his wife learned that we were together and she told the police that apparently Ronnie had forced me to have sex with him, or something of that nature. I had went to a court hearing in late March, to tell the jury and the judge that nothing had happened remotely close to what Ronnie's Ex Wife had told, but it didn't even help. Ronnie had still went to prison. He was getting out this month, which was a relief. From what I've heard, he was to be getting out on the 23rd of June - today. It was great, knowing he was getting out, but that still doesn't change how I feel about the whole mess. 

Ronnie shouldn't have went to jail, and that skank Ex-Wife of his shouldn't have won. 'But she did', The thought swept across my mind like a powerful Tsunami. I just couldn't shake this feeling of grief that I had gotten after the court hearing. If only I had went to more than one, then Ronnie would still being going on his tour. The last time I had spoke to Ronnie was moments before the court hearing, which wasn't even a long conversation, but that was because he had guards breathing down his neck while in handcuffs. 

It hurt seeing him that way, because I know Ronnie's a good man. I know he never had done those things that the media said he did, along with his Ex-Wife and that girl who stated that he raped her. I shake the thought from my mind, trying to not think about it even more than I had to be reminded of it. It just made me feel even worse. I didn't want to be reminded of the fact that what I said, couldn't save the one I love. It made me feel broken. 


I was sitting in my living room, watching The Walking Dead on Netflix. I had nothing better to do, except just pass up the time and make it less unbearable. Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door. I went to go open it, and as I did, there was Audrey - smiling at me. "Hey Audrey," I said, not sounding like my normal self. My greeting was spoken half-heartedly. I wasn't even fully dressed like I usually am in the afternoon. I was in my low-cut shorts wearing my "Bite Me" T-shirt. I stepped to the side, letting Audrey walk inside. She stepped into the living room, sitting on the couch. "You want some coffee, or anything?" I ask, trying to be considerate. It's been weeks since Audrey (Or anyone, for that matter) had set foot in my house. It's a good thing I still keep the place clean. 

"If that's quite alright with you, but coffee can wait for a minute. Come sit," She said, pleading me to come sit next to her. I didn't not want to argue, so I decide to just sit next to her on the couch, while Negan was bashing Abraham's head in with Lucille. "They finally put season 7 on Netflix, I say randomly, referring to one of my favorite shows of all time. "Jade," Audrey said, looking at with a serious glance. "What do you want me to say Audrey? That I'm fine? That I'm not feeling bad about what happened to Ronnie? I haven't checked the news today to see him getting out." I say, my words feeling like extremely dull forks poking at Audrey. "My words weren't enough to get him released, and you wanna know the fucked up thing about it, is?" I asked, looking at Audrey. She knew the answer. 

"It's that what you said was true, but yet they still put him in jail, even though what you told the judge and jury was the complete truth. "And that the skank won," I said, grabbing my pack of Malboro's and quickly lighting one up with my lighter. I took a long drag from my cigarette, wanting to decent hit from it. Audrey, out of no where, wrapped me in her arms, hugging me. "I know it sucks balls hon," She said in a comforting tone. I hugged her back, starting to sob. Tears, rolling down both sides of my cheeks. 

It felt good talking to Audrey after so long. I especially needed it. "I'm sorry for not answering your texts, by the way." I said, choking up from my crying. "It's alright hon. You don't need to apologize hon," Audrey said, comforting me. "You're dad knew you were going through a rough patch with this too, and that's why I'm here. I wanted to come and see you anyways," She said, smiling at me, releasing from her hug. "Do you want to go to the mall with me? I'm meeting Lamar there for some lunch. I can pay for your food too, if you want," Aurdey chuckled, knowing how much I love food that I don't pay for. "Alright, we can go, but If I'm going anywhere, I need to take a shower and find something to where!" I said with a smile. "Okay! While you take your shower, I'll find an outfit for you!" Audrey said, and with that we both headed upstairs.

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