The Three Of Us

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It was already 9 o' clock at night when I finished packing all of my stuff for the road trip, with Audrey and Wisconsin's help. We went through all of the clothes that were stuffed in both my closet and my dresser, wanting to have outfits that Ronnie would love. Audrey even said while on the way to Los Angeles, she wanted to take some good photos of the three of us together to show Ronnie when we meet up with him. 

Even though I was seriously happy, knowing that I would be able to hold him in my arms once again, I still felt anxious. It was like that very first night all over again. Audrey and Lamar both know that I can be an anxious little shit most of the time when it comes to stuff like this. I even told Ronnie that, and I'm glad he had given me time for myself to get used to us being together as a couple. 

We made it to Audrey's house, parking right smack dab in the front. "Well, we're here!" Audrey said, smiling at Lamar and I. "We're going to leave the huge bags in the car so that way we don't have to load the car again for when we get on the road," She said, as we all got out of the car and headed for the porch. "Sounds like a plan to me," Wisconsin said, laughing. "Ditto," I said, not wanting to take out everything I own. I had my purse in one hand and a backpack strapped around my back that had a few necessities as well as a pair of clothes that I could change in for tomorrow morning. 

We walked inside the house, and instantly made our way to Audrey's room. "You guys can just set your stuff on the floor. I don't care," she chuckled. I set my stuff on the floor on the right side of Audrey's bed, and Lamar had set his stuff on the opposite side, next to Audrey's dresser. "So, what do we have planned for the rest of the night? Wisconsin asked, smacking his hands together, eager to have some fun before we all decided to nod off to sleep. "Well, I have some wine in my mini fridge," Audrey said, lifting up the covers where she was standing, opening the fridge door. She pulled out the huge bottle of wine while making a cute face as the bottle was close to her face, barely touching. 

"Do you guys want cups or do you just want to just each take a swig out of the bottle? Either or is totally fine with me," She said, looking at us back and forth. "Lets just share the bottle and form a rotation," I said, not wanting to deal with a cup. "Same," Wisconsin said, smirking. With us having decided, Audrey opens the wine bottle with a cork screw, tossing the cork and the wrapping that was on top into her trash can that was right beside her door. She quickly took a swig and then passed it to Lamar. "That wine has a little kick to it because it's sangria, so be careful," She said, not wanting us to get sick from drinking it. "Damn, you were right," Wisconsin said, as he finished taking his swig of the wine. He then passed it to me. "I don't have a problem with wine at all," I said, taking a swig of the sangria. 

"That is true. Jade is a champ at wine drinking," Audrey said, smiling while laughing. "I know! At the last halloween party we went to when she was dressed up as Raven, she hugged the last quarter of this bottle of Chardonnay," Wisconsin said, hyping me up. "This sangria is a lot stronger though, phew!" I said, not expecting it to be so strong and bold.

 "Told you!" Audrey said with a laugh. "Also we can watch some TV! What do you guys wanna watch? We can watch some adult swim, or we can just go into Netflix and watch something on there?" Audrey asked, looking at me and Lamar back and forth. "Netflix," We both said simultaneously. "Or, we can listen to some music?" Audrey said, pointing to her hi-def stereo sitting on her dresser, next to the TV. I looked at Wisconsin and we both smirked back at each other. "Well, now that you said it," I said, wanting to now listen to music. "Throw on some of them sick beats!" Wisconsin said, and we all broke out in laughter. "Hell yeah, boi!" Audrey said, quickly plugging in her IPhone into the port. That's when Heathens by 21 Pilots started to play, and the three of us danced together, each of us taking turns on the wine. It was the most fun I've had in months. I'm glad I got to see Audrey and Wisconsin today. I really needed a break from myself. The two of them always make me feel better when I'm feeling down. I'm glad I have them as friends. 


I woke up from the light shining down on my face from Audrey's bedroom window. My head began to spin as I started to sit up from the bed. Wisconsin was slumped onto Audrey's bean bag chair in the corner in front of Audrey's closet and Audrey was right next to me, still sleeping. "Hey guys? We gotta get up," I said, not really wanting to myself. Audrey and Lamar woke up, both of them yawning and most likely feeling the same way I felt when I first woke. I picked up my purse that had my phone inside while connected to my portable charger. It was 7:30 am. "Damn, the sun up already!? Wisconsin said, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, i know right?" Audrey said, doing the same thing. "It's 7:30 in the morning." I said, showing Audrey the time from my phone. "We slept in just a few hours longer," Audrey said, pouting almost. "I think we should be fine. It's Saturday, so the main roads won't be all that bad," Wisconsin said. 

"Then why the hell did I say 5:30 am?" Audrey laughed, shaking her head to herself. We all headed downstairs, feeling hung over just a little. "You guys want some cereal?" Audrey asked us, opening the cubbord next to the fridge, revealing a variety of cereals. We all chose our cereal and and wasted no time on starting to eat. Audrey grabbed the gallon of whole milk out from the fridge and we all took turns pouring the milk in our bowls. "After we eat, we'll take the food I have packed in the living room to the car and then we will be on our way!" Audrey said with a smile. 

"You know I'm anxious to see him right?" I asked, looking at Wisconsin, then Audrey, taking a bite of my corn pops. "We know," Audrey said, smiling. She grabbed my hand from across from me and cuffed it gently with her own. "Honestly, what in the hell would I do if I didn't have you guys as friends?" "You'd be miserable as fuck," Lamar said, and we all broke out laughing. "True. Very true," I said, taking another bite of my cereal. 


We had finished loading the packed food into the car, still having plenty of room for Wisconsin to sit in the back seat. We then grabbed our stuff from Audrey's bedroom and then we were heading on the road. 'I can't wait to see you," I thought about Ronnie, as if he could hear me somehow thinking it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2016 ⏰

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