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Be ready this one is a doozy


So. There is this guy who goes to my school and he is really cute. 

We are both really good friends and have known each other since elementary or primary school for you aussies.

I have developed a hugeeeeeeee crush for him over the course of 8th and 9th grade years and I hadn't found the courage to tell him.

About a week ago my best friend was over at my house spending the night and Said GUY and I were texting. My bestie obviously knows that I like him and gave me the idea to finally tell him how I feel.

She typed up this really good sounding message and everything and was waiting for me to give THE okay to send it. I took my phone out of her hands and clicked send myself and he texts me back saying that it would probably be good if we remained friends for now.

At the moment I was crushed. This was the first time I was technically "rejected" by a guy.

Later on in the week we both were texting each other and he was FULL ON FLIRTING WITH ME. In my head I was like "what the actual fuck, I thought he didn't like me." 

So I text him saying something in between the lines of "I thought you said you didn't like me." He replied with "I never said I didn't like you." Then said "I honestly think you should get over me because I don't think I want to date anyone right now."

I was crushed again. It's really hard to get over someone once you seriously like them.

Friday of last week me and this guy were walking to the pond and he was still flirting with me....

I honestly don't know what to do anymore.....I've had such bad luck with guys it's not even funny.

But hey look on the bright side. He is sick because he went and walked with me and I am sick too.(I'm pretty sure I had a fever earlier today) I'm not trying to make it seem like this person is a bad guy but he just needs to get it into his head that just because he thinks that all of his relationships don't end well that DOSENT mean that some of them are.

Here is a quick K lesson of the day.

Relationships aren't all kittens and rainbows all the time. There is going to be heartache and pain in them. Some are going to end terribly and some not. You just gotta roll with the flow on them. 

Relationships don't always work out the way you want them to. Trust me I wanted my last relationship to work so bad, but god has a plan for those specific relationships that you are In.

Again just because your other relationships don't go as you want them to DOSENT mean that your other ones won't.

End of k's lesson for the day:

I really hope yall can take something from this rant because Ik you guys are amazing people that deserve to be told the truth about life and relationships.


A/N-Quick update for you guys. Love you my whitesiders army <3

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