Part 1

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'He was looking at me with those piercing blue eyes.  I just couldn't look away. He was so gorgeous.....and then I woke up.  Stupid alarm clock. Don't you just hate it when you have the most amazing dreams and then your alarm clock wakes you up to remind you that it's Monday? But there's at least something I have to be looking up for,  because tonight it's a decade dance. They are really popular at our school. I just wish I had a date.  I would ask Matt but it would be awkward. We did just broke up. I will try to convince Bonnie and Caroline to go with me. Well wish me good luck with that.  Now I really have to go or I'll be late. '

I closed my diary and went downstairs for breakfast. I saw aunt Jenna as she was making toast so I sat down and started eating.

"So are you excited for tonight? " she asked as she turned around.
"Not really, I still don't have a date. " I said as I took a bite out of bread.

"Well I'm sure someone will ask you today. Or just go with your friends. " She turned around and turned off the toaster and took a sit next to me.
"I'm not so sure about that,  and I'm already planning to ask Bonnie and Caroline to go with me.  You know girls night. "

"I'm sure you'll still have a good time."
Just then we hard a car honk.

"I have to go Bonnie's giving me a ride to school. " I said as I rushed out of the chair with toast still in my hand.

"Bye." is the last thing I heard as I closed the front door.
In the car I knew Bonnie was talking to me,  but I was in my own world. I was thinking what would it be like if the were still here.

"Elena, back in the car. " Bonnie said.
"Sorry.  I-I did it again, didn't I?" I said as I turn back to her.

"You were telling me that... "
"That I'm psychic now."
"Okay. Then predict something. About me."
"I see.. "

Then all of the sudden a crow hit our car.

"Elena I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"
Bonnie asked as she stopped the car from spining.
"Yeah, I'm fine.  I can't be freaked out by the cars for the rest of my life."

"I predict this year's gonna be kick ass. And all the sad and dark times are over and you're gonna be beyond happy."

When we got to school, we went to our lockers. I saw Matt so I waved at him. He just closed the locker and walked of.

"He hates me."
"That's not hate. That's 'you dumped me, but I'm to cool to show it, but secretly I'm listening to Air supply's greatest hits'. "

We closed our lockers and went to the classroom. We saw Caroline so we sat down near her.

"Hey. You're never gonna believe this, but we have a new student. He just moved here. " Caroline already started with the gossip.

"Hey Caroline. " both me and Bonnie said.

"He might ask you to the dance." Caroline said to me and wiggled her eyebrows.

"I actually wanted to talk to you about that. Why don't we just go together? Girls night and all that. " I said as the bell rang.

"Okey sure. " Bonnie agreed
"Seriously? Come on guys we have all day to find a date, and you're just gonna give up."Caroline said.

"Caroline! She just broke up with Matt."
"Sorry. Okey fine. Girls night it is."
She agreed just as the teacher walked through the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2016 ⏰

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