You're Not Well (by Emmy)

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"Y/N, are you still up to coming out tonight?" He asks.

"I'm sick." You reply, going into a coughing fit.

"I'll be there in 5!" He says before hanging up on you.

You sigh and cuddle into your giant, fluffy blanket and continue to watch reruns of Gossip Girl while in bed.

You were watching Blair and Chuck tell eachother they loved eachother, when the front door opened.

"Y/N?" You hear Beau call out.

"In here." You croak.

"You look awful." He states coming into your room.

"Wow, thanks so much..." You mutter.

"You're beautiful, you just look really ill." He flatters.

"Well, I feel as bad as I look, I guess." You sniffle.

"Sit up." He whispers soothingly.

You do as he says and he lays where your head had just been. He gently grabs you by your shoulders and leans you back, into his chest. He kicks off his shoes and comes under your covers with you while laying beside you on your bed.

"Just relax and have a nap." He suggests quietly.

"Okay..." You trail off, leaning into your boyfriend even farther.

He puts his arms around your waist as you place an arm on his chest.

"Sleep tight." He says while kissing your head softly.


You were sitting on the couch watching House At The End Of The Street with your boyfriend, Daniel, when you're stomach took a turn.

You quickly get up and run to the bathroom, spilling out all the candy you had devoured with Daniel.

"Babe? Y/N, are you okay?" He asks coming into the washroom.

"My tummy hurts." You state, grabbing your toothbrush.

Daniel flushes the toilet, closes the lid and sits you down on it.

"You feel better now?" He asks, brushing your hair out of your eyes.

"No..." You wimper, getting off the toilet opening the lid and puking again.

Daniel grabs your hair, taking deep breaths and ties it up with an elastic that was on the counter.

"You're lucky I love you." He mutters.

You finish up and flush the contents down again. Grabbing your toothbrush, you once again, brush your teeth.

"I love you too." You sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bath tub next to him, leaning your head on his shoulder.

"Too much candy?" Daniel asks smiling.

"I think so."

"Let's go continue the movie." He suggests and grabs your hand.

You follow him back to the couch and lay down with him behind you.

He gently puts his arms around you, loosely just in case and you continue watching.

"Thank you." You mumble while falling asleep.

"You're welcome." He whispers into your neck, giving you a small kiss.


"She's in the hospital." Y/F/N says softly.

"In the hospital?! What happend?" You hear the voice of a boy say

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