How he calms you down (by Emmy)

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He cuddles you on the couch and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.

Whether it's just his arms keeping you warm or a huge pile of blankets, he wraps you up and keeps you nice and relaxed and safe.


He sits and watched a movie or TV show with you.

You never have to chose or watch his movies because he knows all of your favourites and which one is best for how you're feeling.

He'll wrap an arm around your shoulders and bring you nice and close to him, occasionally kissing the top of your head.


He'll take you on a walk and hold your hand, entwining your fingers.

The fresh air and new scenery helps keep your mind off of things.

He always has a new park or beach to walk around.


He will tell you all his crazy stories and his silly jokes to get you to laugh.

You both just lay on your stomachs on your bed, him telling his adventures and you laughing so hard you start crying.

Totally forgetting whatever was freaking you out.


He always sits you down and pleads you to tell him what happened.

He knows about your stress and he lets you rant and vent all you need.

He loves listening to you and making you feel better after it's all off your chest.


Another short one because we still don't have any requests <3

Comment if you want an imagine! Give the name of the guy and  a situation :)

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