Chapter One

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    "Bet you can't catch me!!" Oakkit raced across the nursery floor, trying to escape, Rowankit. The older shecat stuck her tounge out and chased after her, catching up. Silvershine, amused, laughed.

    "They certainly are a lively bunch, aren't they?" She purred, watching them. Sparrowflight, a fellow queen and Silvershine's sister, agreed with a quick laugh.

    "That they are" She meowed in agreement. Her own kits would be here soon. Flowerdapple, the other queen, watched Oakkit, who was her daughter, with intensity. Her other daughter, Shadekit, was sitting alone, cleaning her paws and tail. Shadekit was confused because her mother wasn't paying much attention to her.  Shadekit's tail drooped in sadness. Then she spotted Stormkit, Rowankit's brother, and she crouched down. She lept on him.

"Tag your it!" Shadekit meowed

"Shadekit!" Stormkit said in surprise. Shadekit giggled and raced off, Stormkit raced after her.

"I'll get you!" Stormkit meowed, chasing after her. Stormkit jumped on her. Shadekit rolled over. She pawed at him.

"Shadekit! Stop playing so roughly with the others!" Flowerdapple said coldly, narrowing her eyes at Shadekit. Stormkit backed away.

"I'm sorry Flowerdapple." Stormkit meowed. Silvershine narrowed her eyes.

"Flowerdapple don't yell at Stormkit." She meowed.

"I'm not. " Flowerdapple meowed. Shadekit looked down. Flowerdapple glared at Shadekit. She turned away and left the nursery, hoping to see her father, Badgerclaw. She looked around the camp, and she spotted him. This was the perfect time to practice stalking. She dropped to the ground and she slowly put her paws in front of her. She crept up slowly behind the deputy and then with a thrust of her back legs, she jumped on his tail.

"Well hello Shadekit!" Graywhisker chuckled as Badgerclaw automatically collapsed. Shadekit Sat up in triumph.

"Oh no! I've been hurt!" Badgerclaw said. "The most ferocious ShadowClan warrior has got me! Help!" Shadekit grinned and laughed.

"Yeah! I'm the bravest!" She puffed out her chest in triumph. Graywhisker was still laughing pretty hard especially when Badgerclaw rolled over and got Shadekit who squealed in fake alarm.

"Oh no! I've been captured!" She giggled. Shadekit and her father play wrestled on the ground when Stonestar emerged from his den. He smiled, happy for his deputy.

"I win."

"No, I win!"

"No I win!'

"Nuh uh!"

"Yeah huh!"

"Badgerclaw the hunting patrol is ready." Mistyflame called out. Shadekit's tail drooped, sad that her father had to go.

"Sorry Shadekit I have to go. I'll be back soon, okay?" He meowed.

"It's okay." Shadekit meowed softly, drawing circles in the dust with her paw. Badgerclaw nodded and left with Mistyflame.

Flowerdapple padded over and sighed in annoyance.

"There you are." Her voice was cold. Oakkit barreled into Shadekit.

"Adderkit, Rowankit, and Stormkit are gonna be apprentices and we get to see the ceremony!" Shadekit nodded. She thought bitterly to herself, my mother isn't ignoring me for once.

"I can't wait to be an apprentice.' So I can get away from Flowerdapple, she added silently.

"I'm gonna be the best hunter ever!" Oakkit said excitedly.

"And I'll be the best fighter!"

"Especially with those claws of yours! You're gonna be so fierce! We'll beat up ThunderClan no problem with you around!" Shadekit's mood was instantly lifted.

"Yeah!" She said with excitement. Oakkit tackled get and Shadekit threw her off, a bit harder than she meant to. Flowerdapple ran over to her.

"Oakkit? Are you okay? What did she do to you?" Shadekit backed away. She hadn't meant to hurt Oakkit. Flowerdapple turned her gaze to Shadekit and she struck Shadekit on the muzzle.

"What were you thinking!? You hurt your own sister! What is wrong with you?" Flowerdapple hissed at her.

"There's no need to yell. They were only playing. " Silvershine said in dismay.

"Stay out of this! She's my kit not yours!" Flowerdapple snapped. Shadekit stormed off and went to the medicine cat den. Aspenberry looked up from her herb organizing.

"Shadekit what's wrong?" She asked. "Was it Flowerdapple again?"

"Yeah. She hit me."


"No. She hates me." Shadekit sniffed.

"Oh, Shadekit, she doesn't hate you." Aspenberry sat next to her.

"How do you know?"

"No mother hates her kits."

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a Clan meeting!" Stonestar yowled. Aspenberry and Shadekit emerged from the medicine cat den. 

"Stormkit you are now six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. From this moment on you will be known as Stormpaw until you receive your warrior name. I ask StarClan to watch over you as you train to become a ShadowClan warrior." Stormpaw was excited, and Stonestar beckoned for Badgerclaw to step forward. "Badgerclaw you are ready to take on another apprentice. You shall be the mentor of Stormpaw and I entrust you to to train him in the ways of a ShadowClan warrior." Stormpaw padded up to Badgerclaw and the two touched noses. Shadekit's tail drooped, now her father would be even more busy.

"Adderkit you are now six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. From this moment on you will be known as Adderpaw until you receive your warrior name. I ask StarClan to watch over you as you train to become a ShadowClan warrior." Adderpaw was excited and his eyes were huge with said excitement, and Stonestar beckoned for Echofoot to step forward. "Echofoot you are ready to take on another apprentice. You shall be the mentor of Adderpaw and I entrust you to to train him in the ways of a ShadowClan warrior." Adderpaw padded up to Echofoot and the two touched noses.

"Rowankit you are now six moons and it is time for you to become an apprentice. From this moment on you will be known as Rowanpaw until you receive your warrior name. I ask StarClan to watch over you as you train to become a ShadowClan warrior." Rowanpaw was excited and also nervous, and Stonestar beckoned for Darkpelt to step forward. "Darkpelt you are ready to take on an apprentice. You shall be the mentor of
Rowanpaw and I entrust you to to train her in the ways of a ShadowClan warrior." Rowanpaw padded up to Darkpelt and the two touched noses.

"Stormpaw! Adderpaw Rowanpaw!"

(Warriors) 🌹Flower In The Shadows🌹 Volume I: ✳Dark Seeds✳Where stories live. Discover now