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We all agree that our world seems to be in a terrible mess. Our senses are daily bombarded with images of war, starvation, drugs, violence, sex, and crime - and it doesn't seem to be getting better.

Even though the world seems like a place devoid of hope, there is yet hope. God has put us here so that we might become the light of the world and the salt of the earth. For where there is starvation, we must feed the hungry; where there is a lack of garments, we must clothe the naked; where there is poverty, we must bless the poor; where there is oppression, we must lift the downtrodden.

We are here as God's agents of miracles. We cannot allow the world to be held hostage to the enemy's plans and desires. All who follow the risen Christ must lift those who have not discovered the saving, healing, and reconciling power of God. For the sick, we become healers; for the weak, we become strength; for the outcast, we become friends; for the despairing, we become messengers pointing the way to the Lord Jesus Christ, who makes us hope for a fallen and despondent world. All we meet need to see Christ, our hope of glory, revealed through the attitudes and actions with which we approach life.

God is still in control. He has not lost His power, neither has He grown old-fashioned or out-of-date. Faith in God can still change the circumstances of your personal life and of the world in which you live.

Faith; Just saying or hearing the word produces goose pimples for many people. The word makes them nervous because for them faith is some weird, hazy concept.

Faith is not something to fear. It is the most powerful and creative force in the world. Faith in God can mean the difference between life and death, health and sickness, prosperity and deprivation, and success and failure.

One thing is certain: the only way to reach our world for Christ is by a demonstration of God's power through faith. Our world awaits healing and deliverance. Our world awaits answers to the troubling questions of our time. Our world awaits hope.

We who know the Lord of health, deliverance, truth and hope have two options. We can sit idle and watch our world disintegrate, or we can believe God to help us change our world. I have chosen the latter.

In the pages of this book Faith to Change your World, I will first examine faith: What is it? What can it do? What is the basis of it? How do we get it? Second, I will look at the stories of several people described in the New Testament who experienced extremely difficult circumstances, but whose lives were turned around when they placed their faith in God. Third, I will share with you, my own journey of faith from being a pool-boy in Nigeria to my present calling as the founder and pastor of one of the largest churches in the world and as a messenger of the gospel in more than one hundred nations. Fourth, I will examine the lives of some of the great men and women of faith in the Bible to see what we can learn from them. Finally, I will study fear: What is it? How can we overcome it to become world-changers?

May the Spirit of the living God guide you as you read this book and absorb its message, and may it serve as God's anointed message of faith to you personally: Get ready to change your world for God!

Benson A. Idahosa

Benin City, Nigeria

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