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(1st person P.O.V) PS. picture of Aadya above.

They say with beauty a great price has to be paid.

The only price I've ever had to pay, was loving a man that was unlovable. A man whom finds pleasure in torturing those who are smaller than him. Steps on them as if their nothing but a puny little insect.

I can't help the way I feel or the way I felt. I could see beneath his gleaming red eyes. I could see the true beauty and warmth they held once he gazed upon my innocence.

Until he took it away from me, ripping it out of my chest and feeding it to his bloody hounds.

He sits on his throne of skulls and flesh. Proud and secured by the safety of his eerily strong power.

I couldn't get away from his death grip. The one in which my heart belonged to him completely, but never receiving the same love and affection one would need in return.

I wanted to leave, leave the pain and torture. But also I wanted to stay, cause in all honesty I did really love him. Though he wasn't very good at showing it I still knew deep down in that heartless soul laid a heart that was ever so small, but still their, pumping blood throughout his body. And a love that was not so noticeable.

It was just the idea of getting him to admit his affections that took all my willpower. And that is the reason I must leave. To show that once I'm gone he'll be lost without his beauty.

I know it's short the next chapter will be longer I promise.

I have sooooo many drafts, it's not even funny!

I know I have to other books to update, and I won't forget about them. I just got really excited about this one. I kept going over it in my head, and I'm so excited. EEEK! okay sorry that was unnecessary..... anyway...I hope you read this and enjoy it. Please vote and follow.

*love you lots

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