An Unforgettable Adventure

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On October 31st 2016 I went on a trip to the jungle with my family and boyfriend Damion. When we arrived our tour guide Bob introduced himself and we headed into the jungle. We saw leopards snakes and lizards. We heard a rustling in the leaves  and a rabbit jumped out and right behind it was a tiger. My brother said" That poor rabbit'sfoing to die."
Trying to calm him down I said " It's going to be okay that's just the circle if life. " He finally calmed down so we could go on with the trip. We heard a scream and we all turned around and it was my mom being eaten by a snake. My brother screaming and crying while trying to save her. It was too late she was already swallowed while by the snake. I felt horrible I couldn't stop thinking about my mom. My dad also got eaten by a snake bit we didn't notice until I turned around and noticed that he wasn't there. I called to everyone else and we went back bit all we found was dead snake skin. I felt terrible for not noticing that he wasn't there. Then a snake came and started to eat my brother. He wasn't fillong enough so it ate the tour guide and slithered off. I started to panic but Damion calmed me down.  We heard a rustling in the leaves and the tiger that was trying to catch the rabbit popped out . We got really scared until he started to run up against us. We were stranded in the jungle for three days . The tiger caught food for us and lead us to water. Turns out Damion knew how to start a fire without a lighter. On the third day as we just about to go to sleep there was a bright light. We didn't know what it was until it dropped a latter. Then we figured out that it was a helicopter. We said goodbye and thank you to the tiger and climbed up the latter. To this day I miss that tiger he was soft gentle amd only a year old. I realized when I got home that I need to appreciate my family before that are gone.

              THE END

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