Chapter 2

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I looked around the hallway, searching for a place to hide away from the malicious group of teenagers that make my life an absolute hell. The volume of laughter increased while my time to hide diminished. I knew I was in deep shit and there was no way to get out of it.

"Babe, look at what we have here." Janie smirked at her boyfriend, eyeing me with a look of mischief. I froze in my spot, internally slapping my self for not running away.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Is little Jasey ready to play?" Blake smirked, as he began walking towards me. He rolled up the sleeves of his letterman varsity jacket, his smile growing bigger and more evil by the second. I began cowering away into a corner, but I knew it was no use.

"Where ya going, Jason? We just wanna play a game. You wanna know what it's called?" Blake asked me expectantly. I didn't answer as I was too petrified to do so. It felt as if I was frozen in place and no matter how hard I tried, there was no way I could escape it.

I guess I took too long to answer because pretty soon Blake's fist came in contact with my jaw, the amount of force so strong, it caused my head to jolt to the left. My eyes welled up with tears as my jaw began pulsating in pain. "Y- yes." I stuttered out, finally answering his question.

"It's called 'Beat Justy Black and Blue'. Sounds fun, right guys?" He asked, turning around and staring at his friends and girl friend.

"We're taking turns. My baby girl goes first," he hugged Janie from behind. "then it goes Tailor, Melodie, Sebastian, Erik, and me. Let the fun begin." Blake finished smirking. He kissed Janie's cheek before letting her go. I let a tear fall as Janie walked up to me.

"Stand up, fag." She ordered. I tried my fastest to scramble to my feet, but my shoe slipped causing me to fall back down. "I said get up!" She yelled before kicking me in the stomach with her light pink pumps. The force of the kick winded me leaving me to gasp for air.

I stood up to my feet after catching my breath and Janie came closer. "When I tell you to do something, I expect you to fucking do it. Understood?" She asked getting in my face. I don't think I answered fast enough because she slapped me, her nails scratching my cheek before yelling 'understood' even louder.

I nodded my head rapidly causing her to turn around and walk back into her boyfriends arms. Blake kissed her forehead and smirked viscously.

Next was Tailor. She walked up to me and I relaxed slightly. She was always the nicest, and the most gentle. She always checked up on me afterwards. I was thankful for her.

"Aww, lookie here. The little baby dressed up today. Gotta give it to you McCann, you don't look half bad," she gave me a genuine smile, mouthing 'you know the drill', before her face change to a bitchy glare.

She swung her arm back and grazed it across my face, slapping her own thigh for the noise. I jerked my head, making it seem like she actually hit me, letting out a semi fake sob. This went on for another minute or so before Tailor grabbed my hair so she could whisper something in my ear.

"I'll get you afterwards, I promise," she kissed my cheek discreetly, mumbling a quick 'sorry' before actually pushing me into the lockers. She gave me a sympathetic look before she turned around and walked back to the group.

I continued to get beaten for real until everyone got their fair share.


I lied down on the floor, crying as I wallowed in pain. I waited for Tailor to come back and get me. A couple more minutes passed when I heard the shuffling of feet. It sounded like they were coming towards me, so I tried to look up to see who it was. I groaned out in pain, letting my head fall limp against the floor again.

Artificial Intelligence// Jastin (boyxboy) Where stories live. Discover now