Chapter 1

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A/N: Yeah yeah I like the TOP cover of Cancer. Its less angry and more sad. I love both.
Don't hurt me. 
Also this is very sad so leave while you can.

It seemed like centuries since Phil had gotten sick.
They'd been visiting Japan again, having a great time, vlogging. Phil had been slightly under the weather but refused to go home, insisting that it wasn't too bad.
Dan rewatched that vlog a million times over the next few months. Phil was sitting at his laptop, his lips a slightly lighter colour than they usually were and a thick jumper of Dan's on. "I'm really cold, Dan. I might really be sick."
Dan had made a dramatic noise behind the camera, zooming in on Phil's face.
"Maybe we should go home early, if you're feeling off." He added, seriously. Phil really did look ill.
"Maybe. I'm not feeling well at all." It was the first time Phil had consented to leaving at all, and it worried Dan slightly.
The camera was set on a table, and Dan remembered giving Phil a big hug.
"So now I have to navigate all the Japan shops to get medicine for my dying friend. So I'm taking the camera with me, and Phil will sit here and be sad and lonely." Dan turned the camera away to sneak a kiss, giggling and brushing Phil's hair out of his eyes.

Dan got home and Phil was on the floor, wrapped in the duvet off the hotel bed. The video showed only the ceiling from there, but Dan remembered.
"Phil! Phil, are you okay?" Phil mumbled something. "C'mon, Phil, what happened?"
"I can't stand. I tried to get up and I..." Dan had pulled Phil into his lap, where he was huddled against Dan. "I'm really cold, Dan."
"Shh, hey it's alright. I think I'm going to call 999, so let me..." He reached over for his phone. He realized the video had been recording the whole time. He stopped the video and called the emergency number- trying twice before he remembered the code was different in Japan.
"Kon'nichiwa? Watashi wa eigo o hanasu operēta ni hanashite moraemasu ka?" He said cautiously. He'd asked for an english-speaking operator. Probably.
Luckily, she said something and he was on hold for only a second before a man answered in english.
"Hi? I think my- my boyfriend's really sick." Dan took a deep breath. "He was feeling ill so I left to find some flu medicine. Now he can't stand up." Dan was petting Phil's hair, trying to wrap his arms around him to keep him warm.
Phil was slightly glassy-eyed in his lap, and Dan shushed him whenever he tried to talk.
Pretty soon he heard sirens on their way.

Phil didn't get better.
At the hospital they ran tests and Dan had to look through a window while they stuck needles in him. Every time Phil looked up Dan put a brave face on, trying to reassure him.
He was reassuring himself, too, he kept telling himself that Phil was fine. He was just tired from so much travel. He had airsickness. He had a really bad flu. He hadn't eaten much lately, Dan had noticed, maybe he was malnourished or dehydrated.
Dan was wrong.
After five days Phil was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. Dan was sitting by Phil's hospital bed, holding his hand. It had been a blur for the three days Dan hadn't been allowed in, but now they realised Phil wasn't about to stop asking for him.
Phil had confessed to having felt ill before they left, he just hadn't told Dan because he knew Dan would want to postpone the trip.
He'd been tired and dizzy often, and he hadn't been able to eat much (the doctor told them it was due to the cancerous cells building up in Phil's liver), along with frequent coughing fits.
It was debatable that Dan was more scared than Phil.
"But he's going to be okay, right? There's treatments. We need to get him home."
"I think I'm a little homesick for the flat." Phil added. His voice was a slightly weak, but a little bit of colour had returned to his lips and he was sitting up. He said that back at the hotel, he'd tried to stand up and gotten a headrush, and that he pulled the duvet off the bed to wait for Dan to get back.
"Okay. Yeah, we'll head back to the flat and keep taking you to the hospital there. You'll be fine."
"I promise."

Dan ended up pushing Phil around the airport and into the London hospital in a wheelchair- he knew it was tiring for Phil to try to walk around on his own. 

"Hello? Phil Lester, he's here to see Dr. Ford."
Phil rolled his eyes. "I'm so short down here! Let me up, I'll be fine." Dan shook his head fondly and helped Phil out of the chair, wrapping an arm around his hips and pulling him up.
"You're so stubborn."
Phil grinned at him and they looked back at the receptionist. She was looking at them with vague disapproval. "He'll be out in a minute, please have a seat."
Dan was used to the looks they got and only smiled politely before grabbing Phil's wheelchair in one hand and Phil in the other and going to sit down.
"How are you feeling?" Dan brushed Phil's hair off of his forehead. He had a slight fever, but he looked bright as usual.
"You're acting like my mum." Phil smiled reassuringly. "I'm fine."
"Okay, fine, I'll stop nagging." Dan grinned and linked his hand in Phil's. "I'm just worried, is all."
"I know." Phil leaned over to poke Dan playfully. "Don't be, I'll be alright. Promise."
Dan chuckled and pulled Phil over to lean against him. Dan noticed that Phil was slightly thinner than he was used to, but he pushed the worries out of his head. Phil would be fine. He'd promised.

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