Oh No!!

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Sam's POV

"Morgan do you mind getting Rosin?"

"Yh whatever" she said getting out of the car

"Dude your my bro but your girlfriends a drag"

"I know ever since we've moved she has changed she isn't the girl I fell for but she is hot though."

"Yh well the prettiest girl is the one who just came out that doorway" he said.

I looked there she was she was stunning, her scarlet red hair against her tan skin, she was a natural beauty she didn't wear any make up, her perfect pink lips , the sparse freckles she has on her nose-

Sam stop that's Rosin she's your best friend nothing more nothing less and Morgan is beautiful her dress fit her curves but she has nothing on Ro- I need to stop this, she is dating Kian anyway and I'm dating Morgan it could never work could it.

Rosin POV - After the date at Sam's house

"So what do you two think of Morgan now?" Sam asked

"Truth or Lying?" I asked

"Lying please"

"She is great" Kian answered

"I know she's changed she used to be perfect and now she is an annoying bitch" Sam said into his pillow

"Then why don't you dump her" I asked

"I don't know I guess I'm still hoping she'll go back to normal she only changed after I introduced her to....Rosin"

"Ro didn't do anything wrong if anything your bitch is jealous" Kian growled while wrapping his arm around me protectivly

"Jealous of what she is gorgous and if Ro hadn't scared her at the BBQ maybe she would be her normal self"

"That was not her fault your chick was being bitchy"

"Oh don't you remember it all started because your girlfriend has a crush on me"

It happen so fast Kian punch Sam in the jaw making him fall to the ground,Sam didnt hesitate to hit him back they were rolling on the floor fighting, I pulled Kian off of Sam and forced him agianst the wall his faced soften when he looked at me it then turned back into angry when he looked at Sam.

"Kian...Kian look at me" he turned back to me. "Go home and clean up and calm down ok i'll come over later" his face clouded over leaving him expressionless. He walked out slamming the door making me jump.

I turned to Sam we were both silent but he wouldn't look at me I took his hand and lead him to the bathroom, I told him to sit on the counter. I started cleaning up the blood on his face we stayed silent I went to clean up the blood on his upper lip, when he grabbed my arm I looked up at his face.

"Your crying" he whispered

I touched my cheek and surely enough it was wet.

"Sorry I didn't notice"

"You're apoloising for crying"

"I guess I am" I whispered putting the first aid kit away

"I don't deserve this" Sam said staring at me

"what are you talking about" I asked confused

"You, Kian we were bestfriends and ever since I came back things have been horrible, if I didn't move back here things would be different and you'd be happy" he said jumping off the counter.

"Sam I want you here, I thought about you everyday I watched all you videos over and over just to see your face"

We went back into Sam's room and sat on the bed.

"Do you remember the day I left"

"Yh like it was yesterday"

"Do you remember our promise"


"I promise no matter where or how far or how long no matter who I'm with I will NEVER forget you" we said together

"I kept that promise Ro I never forgot about you and I never intend to"

I hugged Sam really tightly and buried my head into his chest.

"I'll never forget you either" I said

"Good now go see Kian he needs you"

"Sure i'll see you tomorrow just us okay" I said walking out

"Okay bye... beautiful" Sam whispered the last part but I still heard.

-Kian's hoouse-

I knocked at the door Ms Lawley opened it she look at me and sighed

"He's upstairs, he ment well Rosin he wasn't trying to hurt anyone"

"That's not what I saw Ms Lawley sorry" I said facing away fro her

I walked up the stairs I knocked on door Kian opened the door and hugged me but I didn't hug him back.


"Rosin don't do this, please" We walked in to his room and sat on his bed

"Kian to be honest I don't know what to do"

"Do whatever just stay with me"

I lay down on the bed in fustration.

"What happened to us we use to us three we were a team the three musketers"

"We split up and grew up in that time"

We lay in bed for a while in silence.

"Ro ?"


"Will you please do me the honour of being my girlfriend" Kian said climbing on top of me looking into my eyes.

I didn't know what to say I wanted to say yes but he punch Sam but I've been with Kian longer but Sam haas been my friend since I was 1.

Kian started to climb off me. "I understand " he said

I dragged him back down and kissed him with everything I had. I pulled away "Yes I'll be your girlfriend"

He hugged me really tightly.

"Thank you I won't fuck up again I promise" he said

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