Chapter 2 - Embrace Our Mental Illness!

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I'm proud of the fact that we've all acknowledged Juju on bringing out homosexuality to an all black show, but what about the mental illness characteristic that Andre displayed? I haven't heard anybody speak up on it much. I just think that it's important for it to be brought up along with homosexuality so that people like me can relate to it too and feel empowered by it. I mean think about it.... Everytime a black person deals with a mental illness, we are forced to "get over it" / "be strong" / "man up" / we get ignored / stereotype this shit by saying it's a "white people" thing. So it's like bc I deal with a mental illness, I'm automatically white? What about those elderly ppl in the clinics? What about those who grew up from dysfunctional houses? What about those famous people like Freddie E and Simone Battle who suffered with depression? Did they act "white" too? The fact that we can't even speak out on it as much because we are scared to be judged by those who are supposed to help us is pretty damn sad. hopefully Juju will be able to bring something out of the PTSD role that you played and talk about it more & how ppl deal with it like you did with the role you played as a homosexual person.

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