It's Complicated, Part 2

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Annabelle bid goodbye to the last customer and stretched her arms over her head, glad the day had finally ended.

"Thanks for all your work today, Annie. I don't know what I'd do without you." Mike, the owner of the cafe, came out from the little kitchen with a box in his hand. "Here. Take the rest of these and anything else you want. I appreciate you working a double shift for me. I can't believe how busy we were."

Annabelle smiled at him. She liked Mike; Speedy as he was called by his loyal customers. He was so kind and had such a warm sincerity about him. Annabelle took the box and opened it. Bringing the contents to her nose, she inhaled the variety of little pastries that were inside.

"Why is it that fattening foods always smell so good when they're inside a box?"Annabelle shook her head. "Mike, if I'm still here by this time next year, I'm sure I'll have gained 20 pounds," she said, with a frown.

Mike smiled. "Listen, the way you've been running around this place, you'll be thanking me for saving you money on a gym membership."

Annabelle laughed again. "Yeah, I wouldn't go that far, Mike, but I do appreciate your letting me prove myself to you. It's so hard to get work in London these days."

Mike wiped his hands on his apron and tilted his head thoughtfully. "Well, Sherlock did tell me you'd be excellent and he was right as usual."

Annabelle stared at him, not believing what she had just heard. "Sherlock said that about me?"

Mike nodded as he went about wiping some of the tables. "Yep. He's a good man, though he comes across like an ass sometimes."

"Most times," Annabelle interjected.

Mike chuckled. "Well, he's helped me out a few times." He stopped his task and frowned at the memory. "A few big times." Sighing, he continued, "I trust whatever he says."

Annabelle took a tray to the vacated table to clear the remainder of the dishes, trying to digest this news. "So, Sherlock recommended me?"

Mike laughed. "Why's that so hard for you to believe, Annie? Sherlock comes in here all the time and..." he paused. "Actually, I don't think I've seen him in a week."

Annabelle wondered if she was the reason he hadn't come in.

"Anyway, life goes on and I have a lady at home making me a chicken pot pie."

Annabelle walked over and took the cloth from Mike, smiling at his obvious love for his wife or his upcoming meal. "Please let me close tonight, Mike. It's the least I can do. After all, I only live next door."

He smiled back at her. "Ok, Annie. You've twisted my rubber arm. I'm going." Smiling, he took off his apron, grabbed his coat and headed for the door. "By the way, if you see Sherlock, tell him the next time he comes in, his meal's on me." Smiling he opened the door, "Oh, and come lock the door behind me, Annie."

Annabelle nodded and waved him off. She suddenly felt quite tired as she wiped down the last table. She walked to the counter that was lined with stools to give it a final cleaning. She picked up a discarded newspaper when an article on the front page caught her eye. She opened the paper and saw a picture of an elegantly dressed man and woman smiling as they posed for the camera. The headline read:

Lord and Lady Byron are proud to announce the engagement of their son, Nicholas Henry Byron to Gweneth Marie Standfield. A gala event will be held for the happy couple at Bletchley Estates to celebrate their impending nuptials.

Annabelle sat down on a stool as she digested this news. Nicholas was getting married? How could that be? He had never mentioned a word as he spoke of his unending love for her.

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