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(She's holding her stuff toy. A black cat stuff toy. She's roaming around the Mental Hospital until she met a man that she'd never met before.)

Oh! Hi there! Are you new here or you're just a visitor? A visitor? Well... welcome to Mental Hospital and you're welcome here! That's my room there and that's my bed over here. Oh! You can sit here next to me.

==>> This girl is way too insane while he met a mysterious man. She's so easy to talk to.

(She sat on her bed and she began to realize something weird in that man.)

Uhm... Wait a sec. How did you get here? It's closed already and the entrance and exit doors are locked. Wow! I can't believe you're so sneaky like a spy.

==>> She said that happily with her creepy smile.

(She asked again for more info then the man answered her questions.)

But anyway, what brings you here? You wanna know how did I end up like this? Well... Believe me or not, I'm not crazy.

==>> More creepy smile again.

(The man wanted to know more because her answer is incomplete.)

Hmm? You want me to explain more? Aww! You're so curious. Well... I am easy to talk to. So, listen up.

==>> She become serious.

I had great parents. I love them so much! Yes! It is!

==>> She said her all details like story telling.

One day, we're at the park and having our great weekend. My dad gave a present. When I opened the basket, it was a cat. A yellow-eyed cat. He's black as deep dark night and I called him Mr. Midnight. Yeah! He's cute. I can't believe you love cats too.

==>> He like cats too.

(The man got curious about her parents. So he asked another question.)

Hmm? You wanna know what happened to my parents now?

Uhm... One night, me and Mr. Midnight watching our favorite show but suddenly, my mom screamed.

==>> She become emotional.

When I get out to my room, I saw my parents' bedroom opened slightly. I wanna know what happened to them. So I got closer and closer until I... I...

==>> She began to cry.

I saw them dead. Their body just tears apart and I don't know who killed them.

==>> Deep breath with her tears falling on the white floor.

(Then the man comforted her and he commented about her parents' death)

Yes! I know! This is terrible and their blood splattered everywhere and...

==>> She said that with depression but the doctor suddenly opened the door for some reason.

(She stood up while wiping her tears with her little hands.)

Huh?! Doctor! You interrupted my storytelling! I'm not talking to myself! I have a visitor here! Uhm...

==>> The doctor noticed her weird actions. He saw her while talking to herself. Then he believed that she was so insane.

(The man she'd talking to just disappeared.)

But he's just right there! I'm talking to him about how the hell I end up like this!

==>> More anger.

(The doctor recalled her background.)

How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not a murderer and I'm not crazy!

==>> She said that angrily and then she turned around.

(The doctor wanted her to calm down while he's holding her pills.)

Why do I need to calm down?! This is madness! I don't wanna take that pills! It's red and it means its deadly!

==>> She doubt about the new pills.

(The doctor wanted her to stay and to make sure she's fine.)

Huh? What deal? Do you want me to stay here for what?!

==>> The doctor makes some deal.

(The doctor found something that is really important to her.)

You found what?! Huh? Really?! You found my kitty?! Where?

==>>She got so excited to see her only friend once more.

(She hugged Mr. Midnight happily)

Oh! Mr. Midnight! I miss you so much! I thought you're dead after we ran away from our bloody house and... and I accidentally bumped my head to the stone so hard then I passed out.

(Then she looked back to the doctor and said...)

Okay. It's a deal.

==>> She continued to caress Mr. Midnight.

(But suddenly, the doctor realized that the man's personality that she's talking to was the same as his old patient. Then he showed to her his files.)

Huh? What's this? Confidential File?

==>> She got curious while receiving the file.

Woah! Wait! The man I talking to is the same as this picture. He's also your patient here?

(So the doctor was right.)

What?! He's dead yesterday?!

==>> She was shocked when she realized that she was talking to a talkative dead man.

(So she decided to sleep.)

Uhm... I guess... I need some rest.

But you need to remember this. I'm an innocent and smart little girl. I love my parents but now I have nowhere to go because I don't have any relatives.

==>> She said that seriously.

And one more thing.

I'm not crazy.

That's all and thank you.

==>> Then she lay her body on her bed to sleep peacefully with Mr. Midnight.


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