Chapter 5: The Finest Cake In Town

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When you turn around, I lose vision...

Well, today we record our second video to the cake trilogy "Hair Cake." I took my phone and checked the time. 12:45pm; not bad. A little later than usual. I did stay up late editing videos. It's just that once I start, I can't stop. It was around 4:00 in the morning when I finally finished one video. I'm not proud of this, of course, but it what it is. I'm already used to it anyways. I've been doing this for years now. I got up and fixed the bed. Ironically, I'm a clean freak. I need everything to be neat and organized. I went to get my meds on the left nightstand when I noticed that someone left a water bottle right next to them. How kind of whoever it was. Max has never done that, though. Ian...

When I got out of the room, I heard Max shout from the kitchen. "Well look who's finally awake. Want sausage or bacon, chef?"

"Yeah, sorry. I went to sleep late. Bacon, please." He handed me a plate with two fluffy pancakes with whip cream on the top of them and syrup, and three slices of bacon on the side. "Where's Ian?" Max looked at me and smirked.

"He went to shower. Hey, George?"

I know what's coming... "Yes?"

"When do you plan on telling him you're into him?" He laughed. That's the thing about Max. I don't have to tell him anything. He notices every little change in someone. There's no way you can lie to him.

"When do you plan on fucking Katt?" I mocked him. He got pissed at my sassy remark, so I apologized. "It's just a small crush. One day I will."

"Good, because he seems like he's into your jap ass." He laughed. Max cooked up one of his vegetarian lunch and sat across from me. We kept talking about today's video.

Ian finally got dressed and sat next to me. "My hair is smooth and clean. Ready to be shaved and eaten by you two cunts."

"It's not my fault Max has a vomit fetish. Look at him. He's weird." I made him laugh. Oh hell yeah.

"Fuck off, George. I'm not the one being edgy for views." Good one, Max. We all laughed and finished our meals.

We just started recording the first portion of the video. I introduced myself, like I always do in my videos, and then introduced Max and Ian. For some reason I got the idea of kissing both of them. Just a peck. Max blew smoke to my face and I thought it was a good moment to kiss them. I looked at Max and gave him a peck. He didn't kiss back, which was obvious.

"What are you, fucking gay?" My face turned a pale pink and I looked at his beautiful eyes. Next thing you know, I'm kissing him. He kissed back? Wait what? Oh, fuck it. Although it was short, it was worth it. His lips are so warm and soft. If only I could kiss him more. Bite those beautiful lips of his. I looked to the camera with a smile on my face. He just stared at me in utter shock, yet smiling.

"This is fucked!" Max shouted while laughing. I laughed with him so it could look like it was all planned.

It took forever to finish, but we did everything we could. We were all full of vomit, especially me. Ian is funny to look at now. No eyebrows, hair gone. Funny, but still cute. How is that possible? We just finished cleaning everything. We really make a mess this time.

"Guys I'm gonna go shower and sleep afterwards." Max shouted from his bedroom.

"Goodnight, cunt." I shouted back. Ian and I already had taken a shower. We said our goodnights and went to our bedrooms.

I'm not really tired because of how many times I've gone to sleep so late. I heard the door of my room open slowly. It was Ian. What is he doing here?


"Ian." He sat next to my body. I was still laying down, under the sheets.

"Remember what I said?" I felt his warm presence getting closer & closer. He leaned in and grabbed my chin. "You'll have to-" He whispered into my ear. "figure it out." I started feeling warm and wet kisses around my jawline. Ian, why do you make me fall deeply more in love with you?

Double midnight upload! Well, it's after midnight where I live. Sorry if there's any mistakes but it's 3:05am in Puerto Rico and well I was getting on a plane while writing half of the end. There will be smut on the next chapter, which means I finally have to turn on the "Mature Content" option. Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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