7-Amnesia arrives

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Raven's body was stiff as she awoke. She was located somewhere in her shattered mind she didn't realize she had. The walls were hot pink and the floor a nice crimson red. Dim lights circled the room, a small shaggy rug in the centre. 

Raven hauled herself up, still clutching her memory tight. "Where am I?" She muttered, staring around the room. A door creaked from nowhere in particular. "Hello?" Raven quietly spoke, wandering over to a side of the room.

"Why hello, Raven." A seductive voice whispered. Raven jumped, turning her head to the other side of the room. There, a door was wide open, a man stepped out. He had a long, devilish tail and piercing blue eyes. His smile was as if Heaven had fallen. 

"A demon..." Raven murmured, sidestepping against the wall to the right. "What do you want from me?" She asked, still moving across the wall. 

"You shall be my date for this evening's dinner party. I'm sure lord Trigon would be pleased to have me, a Lord Demon, with his daughter." Raven stopped moving, frozen in place. She quickly learned something. This was a demon meeting room. Multiple demons stepped out of thousands of doors that appeared, smirking and laughing to the heart's content. "Come with me Raven, and we shall rule hell when your father retires!" He bellowed, stalking towards Raven. She flinched, closing her eyes, waiting for the end of her life.

A sizzle of demon blood on her cheek snapped Raven's eyes open. Trigon was there, his huge hand clamped around the Lord Demon. "S...Sir!" The Lord Demon muttered, his legs flailing in the air. The roof was ripped off its supports, thrown to a mountain far away. Raven was still in the Crystal.  "W...What can I help you w...With today?" He whispered, freaking at the height. 

"Stay away from my daughter!" He yelled into the demon's ear, uncurling his hand, letting the demon drop around 50 metres to the ground. 

"Dad?" Raven shouted up, looking at him. Trigon's scarlet red eyes glistened with pure distraught and sadness. 

"You're coming with me now child." Trigon declared lifting her up and into his palm. They marched towards a large clearing, thousands of demons trailing behind him.

They arrived at a clearing, a large shrine of Raven's mother in the centre. "Is that... Mum?" Raven asked, staring at the shrine.

"Yes..." Trigon said longingly, solemnly gazing at it. "I still loved your mother, you know?" He muttered, placing Raven back on the ground. "Get out of here demons! I'm having a moment!" He ordered the demons who scattered away. 

Raven heard a familiar voice calling for her from afar. "Raven!" It yelled. She looked around, uncertain of its whereabouts. She heard it again, even louder than before. It sounded liked the voice was sobbing. The voice repeated it's chant of 'Raven' until Raven recognised who it was.

"Damian" Raven whispered into her head. 

"RAVEN" Damian whispered back to her in gasps of air.

"What's going on Raven?" Trigon asked, curious as to why his daughter was staring off into space.  Raven sharply looked at her father up near the top of the shrine, a look of sheer confusion spread across his face. 

"Just reminiscing about the past... You know, the usual." Raven casually stated, waving her hand. Trigon shrugged, turning back to stare at the picture of his deceased wife. 

"I'm not in the greatest of moments Damian. My father is here. What did you want to say?" Raven asked, her head reeling with possibilities. She looked back from her staring state and to her father, whom had just turned to face her. Raven needed an excuse to be alone and chat with Damian. "Father, is there a private bathroom around anywhere? I need to be alone for a while." Raven questioned her face pleading. 

"Uh... Yeah. Just walk towards the quartz tomb and press the grey button on the top. It will lead you to the basement where the bathroom is. Don't take too long Raven." He advised, his head going straight back to his wife. 

"Thanks..." Raven muttered, wandering over to the quartz tomb a few feet away. The whole area was a cemetery for deceased Lord Demons. Raven wondered if that recently dead Lord Demon would come to rest here. She snapped out of her personal thoughts and headed down to the bathroom. A small toilet was placed in the centre, a door with rather fancy hinges placed just to the side. 

Raven stepped in, overwhelmed by the odorous smell of demons. "Yuck." Raven spat, sitting gently on the toilet. "Damian, are you still there?" Raven asked, nervously shuffling her feet. 

A loud sniffle was heard, then a voice crackled to life in Raven's head. "Yeah... Where are you?" Damian bluntly asked. 

"I'm in my father's crystal. I think shadows have taken me back to the warehouse. Save me Damian. Please." Raven begged, standing up, cutting off the connection. "Come in time Damian, before it's too late." Raven thought. Something itched her side. She reached under her leotard, pulling out her memory shard. She hugged it tight, clinging on for dear life. 

Then Raven blacked out.


Ooooo... Mysterious right?

Another chapter complete!

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Have a nice day/night.

~Sly Fox

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