Chapter 39

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Disclaimer: credit due to the original writer. This is not my work! 

Our bodies were cuddled under the duvet. My toes wriggled as the hair on Harry’s legs tickled at my bare skin. His head was resting on my chest as I carefully combed through his tousled curls with my fingers. His arm was wrapped round my waist, softly snoring. I shifted slightly, Harry’s grip intensifying as he held me close. He looked so beautiful, his hair in tight ringlets, pink, plump lips. I watched almost in awe as long eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks, drawing in a deep breath before settling to rest on my chest once more. His breathing levelling to a slow, steady pace, it calmed me.

I had found him in this position a short while before as I woke. The pillows in disarray above and below the duvet. Instead he had subconsciously opted to use me, wrapping his limbs round my body. It wasn’t so much protective, but almost a little frightened, reminding me of a child clinging onto a loved one for comfort. The length of his legs were entwined with mine. Fingers occasionally twitched, lightly fisting at his t shirt adorning my upper half.

I was quite certain Harry’s slumbering position was in fear of me leaving. Desperately holding on. But he needn’t have worried. There was no chance of me disappearing. The feelings I had developed for the stunning guy currently keeping me overly warm, were something I had never felt before.

We were yet to say how we really felt about each other. I knew Harry cared for me, he had told me a number of times. But deep down I was frightened I possessed a stronger attachment to him than he did to me. I had never been in a relationship before, never felt such a desire to be as close to someone before.

I was unable to ponder over the thoughts racing through my mind for any longer. My attention was drawn back to Harry. He lightly mumbled my name, his warm hand sliding over the duvet. Seconds later I realised he was in search of my smaller one. I offer my touch to him, long fingers oddly entwining with mine and encouraging it up to the ringlets flopping over his head. I smiled, even in sleep Harry still found comfort in someone playing with his hair. A heavy sigh fell from my mouth, my bottom lip taken between my teeth.

“I think I’m in love with you.” I barely whispered.

My heart began to thump against my chest and I felt almost certain Harry could sense my increased pulse. His presence suddenly felt overbearing, weight pressing down on me. I couldn’t breathe. My fingers struggled to gently pry his arm from round my waist, attempting to wriggle out from under his large frame. I found it difficult as Harry’s long limbs were heavy with sleep; he had quite literally tangled himself with me. The strength of his body still profoundly evident even in his weakened unconscious state. Frustrated mumbles could be heard as I tried to free my leg from between Harry’s thighs. The sounds grew louder as I resisted his arm which intended to drag me back to him. All the while, Harry’s sparkling green eyes remained hidden from me. I pressed a kiss to his cheek, fingers running lightly through his ringlets. The gesture seemed to calm him, allowing me to ease my leg out from between the strength of his thighs. The throaty moan that accompanied the action flushed heat to my body. My eyes widened slightly as my knee lightly brushed the growing hardness between the top of Harry’s tensed legs. I ignored the images that sprung to my mind, my lover panting and glistening in sweat above me. My head shook, denying myself the indulgence of a glance under the covers; knowing the thick erection I had felt rather intensely hours before, would be straining against the black fabric tightly hugging Harry’s lower half.

I felt like self-appraisal was in order as I eventually became free of my protector’s superficial strong hold. My absence was voiced in a strained whimper from Harry, his forehead creasing in a frown, eyes still remained shut. Despite his displeased expression, Harry was still the most beautiful male I had ever seen.

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