Unpublished scene from chapter 55 of Dark.

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Hello :) Umm, this is a short naughty scene from the party (Dark). I hope you like it! 

I froze as footsteps were heard tottering down the hall outside. My core muscles tightened, the tension being intimately inflicted on Harry and the union between us. I hurriedly released the hand that held his shoulder, clamping it over his mouth to smother the groan fighting to escape. Once the moment had passed, Harry gave me a humoured nod, indicating approval to remove my palm.


Heat flushed from head to toe. It was one of Harry’s friends voicing his unwanted existence through the door. I had absolutely no desire to be seen by anyone else in such a vulnerable position; naked from the waist down, pressed between the wall and Harry’s equally bare body.  

His lips pouted as he quietly hushed me, hoping that the drunken hindrance would find something of a more interesting distraction and leave. But we had no such luck. 

“Mate, I know you’re in there. I’m pretty sure Bo’s with you too.”

It was Louis. I prayed the pleasured mewling was quiet enough to prevent from travelling though the wood of the door as Harry hoisted me higher. At that point I was unconcerned that the round edges of my nails were biting into the skin at Harry’s nape. All I felt was him. He held me to him, creating a new heat that was completely foreign to me before I’d met Harry; a warmth of breath and sweat jewelled skin.

Pleasure transformed to panic as the handle began to rattle and my stomach plummeted, longing for the ability to dissolve into the wall; anything to avoid the embarrassment that could potentially ensue. But Harry was quick to put a halt on the situation, grabbing the handle and evading unwelcome company.

“Fuck off, Louis! We’ll be out in a minute,” he sharply stated.

“A minute?” Louis chortled. “Give her more than a minute, mate!”

The tone of his voice implied that he was smartly grinning, the circumstance highly amusing and a topic most likely to be shared once he’d made it back down to the party.

My head was encouraged with care to rest forward on Harry’s shoulder, shying away from the impact of fist to wall in warning.

“Fuck you!” He shouted.

 “I’ll see you when you’ve both finished.

We listened as Louis stumbled away into the distance of blurred music. Harry’s hands had come to settle underneath my thighs once more, squeezing as he lazily smiled. Our noses bumped as I zeroed in for a kiss, Harry apparently having the same idea. The consequential titter had him grinning, full watt and playful. And it was just us.

“Your friends have the worst timing.”

“And how’s my timing?” Harry asked, withdrawing before gifting me with a driven thrust.

“Commendable,” I choked.

I was given little warning as Harry’s hips magnetised to mine once more. Tight, strong, and unbelievably sexy; his conviction held with athletic precision. My fingers seized the material covering his back, drawing it into my desperate clasp in some urgent need to stable myself in reality.

Part of me wanted to rip the remaining clothes from his body, have him completely bare whilst he knocked me into the wall. But the prevalent fragment of my lingering composure had me clawing to the present. I’d never had a circumstance of similar occurrence before; so utterly impatient to have each other that the removal of clothing was kept to the essential; only stripping out of what was necessary.

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