The Author's Page

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In any work, the author usually gets to say something before the start of the book. This book is no exception. A book writer, or editor, usually thanks those who helped them produce, write or research the work. Maybe, they will even add something, like a quote, to provide some other insight. Who am I to argue with this literary precedence? 

For every thing there is a season, And a time for every purpose under Heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1) 

    From the Christian Bible, this beautiful Poem is the theme of “The Jellicle Chronicles.” Throughout the stories, things occur to bring different facets of Life into the main picture. There is, indeed, a time for Love and Hate, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow. And, just maybe, a time for Magic to offset reality - who are we to say? In our lives, and in the lives of these wonderful characters, we have to expect the change, and react to that change. We should know that Life will not always be good or bad. And through it all, we need to remember that there is some reason behind the changes. Maybe, we cannot see that reason, and, like Job, demand to know why. If we are fortunate, we will not have to go through the chastisement of Job to see why something had to happen. The purpose will eventually make itself known, even if that realization comes many years after the fact. For this “reason,” I have chosen this particular passage to serve as my theme. 

    My first thanks must go to T.S. Eliot for the wonderful prose that created “Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats.” Throughout his life, sources indicate that he created a number of poems and prose on different cats, but this one book started the process. From the “Practical Cats,” we see the outline for the Jellicle Cats. 

    Next of the list of thanks go to Andrew Lloyd Webber and Trevor Nunn for the Musical Theatre Production of CATS. Through their collective talents, the Jellicle Cat came off the page and onto the stage. At this writing, the production has lasted for nineteen (19) years straight, and is billed as the longest running Musical. Without these three talents, this work could not be conceived, let alone completed. 

    Probably the greatest amount of thanks goes to Anna-Karin Larsson, a very talented Lady who served as the Illustrator for this work. In many ways, her contribution to “The Jellicle Chronicles” makes her my co-author. Anna became my friend after I came across her website one night. As part of her site, she had a beautiful lesson on how to produce a portrait of Munkustrap. I had to complement her on the drawing, and then found out she had stories to read as well. I had no idea there were fans of this Musical who enjoyed writing, drawing and talking about the various facets of the show. After reading her stories, I began to think of stories of my own, and that is how the “Chronicles” began. As a show of thanks to her, I sent her the first “Chapters” to read, and she asked for more. Later, the illustrations began to accompany her replies. And now the rest is History…. 

    My last thanks, of course, goes to the readers of the “Chronicles.” Author Ray Bradbury was asked one time on what he considered to be best trait of a writer. His reply indicated that a writer must love and enjoy the art of writing, and telling the story. Without this trait, a person should forgo writing entirely. Writing is merely the art of storytelling in a written, or printed, format. Instead of me telling you the story of the Jellicles in person, you are “listening” as you read the words herein. Through my words and Anna’s drawings, the “Chronicles” should come alive in your mind, and, hopefully, in your heart. Both of us have enjoyed performing our different, but cooperative art forms, and appreciate your being part of this enjoyment. Without the audience, you, a storyteller has nothing, and the story dies untold. So, with humble thanks, I appreciate your being here. 

Please, enter into the Yard, and let your imagination transport you into a world of the Jellicle Cat.

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