Chapter 4

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Harry's P.O.V

     "Mr. Styles, I'm sorry but you're disease is quickly spreading through you're body which eats your healthy tissues. That means you're going to experience a lot of blood puking and also bruises will form, dizziness will occur, depression, self harm, etc. Back to the blood puking, since you'll be puking a lot which isn't good, we will prescribe you to come here at my clinic once a week so we can replace the amount of blood that you lost. We would also start chemotherapy which would occur every 15 days. We would also give you new antibiotics to prevent your WBC to spread much further. You will be confine. Once we started your chemotherapy you may experience side effects like loss of hair, loss of appetite, loss of weight, you would fee bloated but actually you're gonna be skinny, etc. I'll explain to you later more of he details and what medicines that you would be taking. I know it's hard Harry specially on your age. We'll do everything that we can. Don't lose hope, lad."

Been a while since I updated,

What does Harry really have?

Zayn is missing a p.o.v again hahaha

Well I'll be publishing a new book called ' REVENGE ' I will appreciate it if you do....

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