Chapter 5

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Harry's P.O.V

"Hey, wait up!" I turned around seeing Niall rushing towards me. I stopped walking. "Why... Are you.... Hooh, why are you walking so fast??" He asked breathlessly. I shrugged. "Nothin'" I replied, continue walking with Niall. We continue to chat on our way to the canteen. "Oh! Have you heard about the new kid? Za... Zack, I think?" I knitted by eyebrow. I'm really sure that the lad's name is not Zack. "Yeah, it's not Zack though." He raises an eyebrow "what makes you so sure, mate?" I sighed "just got the guts," he shook his head "oh wait!" He paused trying to remember whatever he's trying to remember, then his face lit up. "Have you taking those pills your doctor gave you? You should be taking them. They're really important, Haz, it's for your health. Ohhh, what would your mother will say about this? I bet she'll be like " Harry you should have take those freaking pills, that's for your fucking health" something like that and like you-" I cut him off shaking my head. Such a drama queen, "first of, yes I'm taking them, regularly. Second, I'm completely fine, see? Third, my mother doesn't cuss silly. You're just overreacting, Niall" "okay, I guess I misunderstood that." I chuckled "oh you really did though," "well, for a friend. It's clearly normal for you to be overprotective, like for example: you, you're sick right? So it's normal for me and liam to go panic and stuff like that." He defended. I sighed "well, I know that but, you don't need to threw questions at me all in just one direction. At least give me time to answer, okay?" He nod in defeat. I smirk "oh no styles. Not that smirk, it's cute but I'm feeling something inside of you want to pop out." He stated. I laughed "okay okay, enough with my venomous smirk. Let's drop the subject and replaced it with a new one." I offered. He nod "speaking of subject, where's Liam?" He asked looking around, I look around also, wondering where's the so called 'daddy '. "Guys, here!" Someone screamed making our heads look over. We saw Liam frantically running over us while waving his hand over and over. We laughed," hey guys," he greeted panting. We smiled "hi Liam." We replied at the same time. We sat down at our table. Liam spoke up "s'rry for taking me so long, I got stuck at Physics's for some darn reason." He apologized glaring at his water bottle. "Chill mate, at least you make it." Niall reassured. I nod "yeah Liam's right." He sighed "yeah I guess your right. I'll chill a bit." We nodded "let's eat I'm starvingggggg...." Hahaha you all know who's that is.. Liam stood up along with me "okay okay let's go get food." The fake blonde cheered "I'm going to get the subway, the ham with cheese on top, beetroot, and and-" Liam cut him off "whoa whoa, Niall we know that you'll basically buy all those food okay but , leave us something okay." We all laugh at that. "So nice to see you smiling again,Harry. We've missed that," he smile warmly and gave me a hug and so does Niall.

We three are done buying food and ready to eat, well basically. Niall is already shoving food in his mouth and nothing can ever stop that. He's seriously like a dog who is eating and didn't want to be disturbed, and when you disturbed it it'll bite. I stood up Liam's eyes trailing on me "I'm going to the bathroom," he nods. I walk up to the bathroom, entering it but failed, because someone flew the door open and we bump in to each other. I land on my ass, hissing at the sudden action. I rubbed my had 'cos basically I hit the too. I man stood in front of me "oh my, I'm sorry. I didn't know that you're there." He bid his apology, he then lend me a hand. I hesistantly took and stood up. "It's okay" I say, still rubbing my hand and forehead. "Hey, I'm zayn. I'm really sorry though." He introduced. Wait, 'zayn'. Well that familiar. I look up and saw a beautiful man in front of me, with it's raven hair, honey brown eyes, masculine body, warm smile - wait, what?! Don't fall for another guy Harry. You'll only get hurt, again. "Harry, nice to meet you." I say, he smiled "nice name." He compliment. Well if I ain't heartbroken, I would literally blush. But eh, shrugging my shoulders I mumbled and thanks. "Well it was nice to meet you though but I really, really have to use the toilet." He chuckled "oh yeah, nice talking to you too. I'll see you later?" I sighed, not in an irritated way but I really need to pee." Yeah ,see you." With that we bid our goodbyes and go to a different direction. Entering the bathroom quickly, unzipping my pants and quickly realising urine. "Ahhh," I moaned with pleasure. I quickly zip back my pants and headed to our table. I sat down, "what took you so long?" Liam asked, I chuckle "oh well, just a toilet incident,that's all." He knitted his brows "well, by the look on your face. There's something that you're not telling us, but I will let it past." He continue on eating. I sighed, smirking. Well, it doesn't hurt to love again, does it?

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