Hi my name is... (Chapter 2)

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Long chapter ahead! Sorry guys! Chapter 2 got deleted and I had to rewrite the whole thing and it took forever!!



Since I went to bed wicked early, I got up pretty early. I went along doing my usual morning routines. I quickly hopped into the shower and washed and shaved myself. When I hopped out I quickly changed into what I was going to wear to Magcon.

It was a white crop top with a silver infinity sign, my baby blue short shorts with some rips in them, my silver cross belly button ring and some white vans with baby blue laces. I kept my hair down like a usually do but I straightened it. I applied some makeup, the usual, eyeliner, mascara and eyeshadow.

By that time it was 10:00. I started cooking breakfast for my mom and sister, within 15 minutes my mom and sister were both in the kitchen eating their scrambled eggs and bacon. My sister and mom usually take a long time to get ready so I just sat down on the couch and listened to music as I scrolled through Instagram.

Since I was going to this Magcon thing I want to know what these boys look like, even though they are probably only 14 years old. I quickly googled Magcon and found their Instagram names. While I was following them and liking some of their pictures this one guy caught my eye. His name was taylor. I couldn't remember his last name but he sure was hot!

I heard a big crash coming from my sisters room. I got up and ran to her room.

"Are you okay?!"

She glared at me crying "no"

"What's the matter?"

"I can't find anything to wear!" She screamed through her clothes and hangers all over the place.

I slightly laughed at her little outburst. She glared at me even more "SHUTUP!!" She charged at me swinging her arms.

This just made me laugh even harder as I grabbed her wrists. She was now trying to kick me and I was just laughing my head off.

My mom came into the room "okay! Enough! Amanda go wait in the hall! Anna pick up this mess right now and get changed!"

I walked out of the room trying not to laugh to avoid not getting kicked again. I put the room key of my grey nike sport lanyard and hooked it through my belt loop, so the key was in my pocket while the lanyard was dangling by my leg. People said it looked weird since I didn't have long pants on but I didn't care because I thought it looked cool.

I walked out the door and shut it feeling the material of the lanyard against the bare skin of my leg. I was standing for about 5 minutes and my legs were getting tired so I sat down but that wasn't comfortable so laid down. Not many people were on this floor since it was top floor so it didn't matter if people saw me or not.

I was laying down and ribs slightly poked out, same with my hip bones. I put in my headphones and played one of my favorite songs, breaking news by machine gun Kelly, I was pretty far into the song when I closed my eyes. After two or so songs I felt someone poke my cheek. I opened my eyes and propped up onto one elbow shutting off my music and taking out my headphones.

I saw a guy about my age "are you dead?"

""No? Why?" I gave him a confused look.

"Because you were laying down with your eyes closed and it didn't look like you were breathing." By this time I'm up and on my feet.

"No, I'm alive but thanks for asking." I take out my room key and unlocked my room, I was halfway though the door when I felt him grab my wrist.

"You look new here, can I show you around?"

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