Chapter 2: Threats

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Chapter 2: Threats

Ryuu looked up as he heard shuffling from the young prince's room. He smiled to himself as he realized that someone was waking him up.

"C'mon Yumoto..." A voice said sweetly and Ryuu giggled as he heard a reply, "Noooooooooo."

Io looked at Ryuu, "I don't know why he doesn't ever want to wake up."

Yumoto was now three years old, his vocabulary was becoming larger, but he was still in his phase of calling Atsushi 'mama'.

Ryuu laughed, "He's a teenager stuck in a three-year-old's body." The two smiled and they looked up as they heard footsteps walking in.

"Atsushi-kun, is he awake?" Ryuu asked and Atsushi nodded. "Somewhat."

The young prince was still half asleep on Atsushi's shoulder and he was holding his pink wombat plushie. " need to wake up." Atsushi said softly and Yumoto shook his head. "No mama..."

Atsushi slowly put Yumoto down and smiled, "Yumo-chan. You need to get ready to practice. Gora wants you to start your training."

"Why mama?"

"Because!" Ryuu interrupted, "You're the next God of Love! You have to know how to fight!"

Yumoto began to pout as he put his plushie on the table and then put his head on it. "Too tired..."

Atsushi smiled a gentle smile, that Ryuu noted was one of the things Atsushi was famous for.

En walked in and Yumoto yawned.

En looked at him and sighed. "Yumoto, your brother has to go somewhere..."

"A-An-chan?" He frowned, "Where...?"

En looked at Atsushi and Atsushi looked down, "N-nowhere Little One..."

Yumoto looked away and stood up quickly. "An-chan!!" He screamed as he ran out, trying to find his brother.

"Little One!" Io yelled and he along with Ryuu ran after him.



Yumoto was five-years-old when the threat from Hireashi became noticed.

Kinshiro sighed, "At-chan told me of a threat..."

"A threat you say?" Ibushi asked and Kinshiro nodded.

He looked up as Akoya sat down. "Yes, glad you could join us Gero-kun."

Akoya looked at them, "Now what about this 'threat'?"

Kinshiro sighed again, "Well, At-chan said that a demon has threatened the heir..."

Ibushi looked at Kinshiro, "What? Then why is he still able to run around without supervision?"

"Well, the demon isn't strong enough to attack just yet..."

"So why aren't his guardians with him?" Akoya asked and Kinshiro shrugged, "I don't know."

Ibushi looked up and sighed. "We shouldn't focus on this right now. Little One is around...and we're still not supposed to be seen by him."


Yumoto frowned in his sleep as he tossed around. The five-year-old whimpered and clutched onto his wombat plushie harder. He frowned, "D-don't hurt me...!" He hissed in his sleep.

A figure appeared beside the small boy. "Shhh..." the figure spoke and a white gloved hand laid on his head. "Little One...don't cry...I won't let him touch you..."

Yumoto's eyes popped open, "ATSUSHI-SENPAI!!" He screamed and footsteps came running into his room and the figure disappeared quickly. "Little One!?"

"FISH! FISH! EVIL!" Yumoto screamed, "DEMON! DEMON!!!!"

"Demon? Fish...? Evil...?" Atsushi gasped and En frowned, "Could it be...?"

Ryuu gasped, "Io...?"

Io paled, "W...we need to talk to Gora-san..."

Yumoto looked at them in confusion.


Ibushi looked at Akoya, "Little One had a nightmare...of Hireashi?"

Akoya nodded, "Io ran to Gora and I overheard him telling him."

Ibushi looked down, "Little One shouldn't know anything about that how you learned about the demon's name?"

Akoya nodded again, "Yes...Ibushi, we need to show ourselves to him!"

Kinshiro shook his head, "No! We are under strict rules to not let him see us until he is older."

Akoya looked down, "Kinshiro, I know...but he..."
"But nothing, a few years we'll be able to see him."

Ibushi nodded, "I'm sorry Akoya..."


Yumoto frowned as he was walking to Gora after he finished his lessons for the day, he raised an eyebrow as a man with long pink hair walked passed him.

When Yumoto turned around to see who it was, the person was gone.

The five-year-old sighed, that kept happening to him...first it was a man with short white hair, and then a man with dark green hair had done the same thing! Who were these people?!

He walked to Gora, "An-chan...who was the person with pink hair?"

Gora gasped, "Who? I don't know anyone with pink hair."

Yumoto pouted, "Are you sure, An-chan?"

Gora nodded, "Yes. You must be tired, go lay down."

Yumoto crossed his arms, "I'm not sleepy, I'm hungry!"

Gora smiled, "Are you?"

Yumoto nodded, "YES!"
Gora nodded again, "Okay." He pulled out a rice ball and Yumoto gasped as he began to drool.

Gora chuckled and handed Yumoto the rice ball. Yumoto smiled, "Thank you!!" He ran out and sat down to eat it.

As he ate it, he watched the man with white hair walk out of Atsushi's room. "Who are you...?" He thought and decided to follow him by crawling.

He frowned as the man walked into a door he had never seen before. Yumoto gasped as he opened it and the door disappeared as soon as it appeared.

The five-year-old ran to where the door was and frowned as he put his hand there. He frowned and Atsushi looked at him, "Little One...what did you see?"

"Yumoto...forget you saw him..."

"But I did see him! Who was he!?"

"Little One, enough!"

"But Atsushi-senpai!"

"No buts Yumoto."

"When will I meet him!?"

Atsushi sighed, "On your birthday..."

The five-year-old smiled, "Good because my birthday is in two days!"

Atsushi smiled, "Yes, it is."


Kinshiro sighed, "At-chan said that when the heir turns six, we can meet him..."

Akoya gasped, "So in two days?! Oh, I can't wait to meet him!"

Ibushi smiled, "Yes...hopefully he'll be happy."

Kinshiro sighed again, "He followed me, I heard At-chan talking to him."

Akoya smiled, "I haven't seen him since he was a baby...I hope he's not a brat since Zaou-kun has been raising him!"

Ibushi laughed, "Akoya, I don't think he'll be a brat. He seems very sweet."

Akoya nodded, "Yeah...I guess."

Kinshiro looked at them, "We should prepare for meeting him then."

"Of course." Ibushi agreed.    

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