Chapter 8: Katashi and Yumoto

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Chapter 8: Katashi and Yumoto

Yumoto teared up as he read a small letter from Araki,

Prince Scarlet

My parents...were sacrificed to the demon Hireashi...I am sorry to tell you this. I wish I could see you again. I am now working with him to save myself. Please forgive me...


"Yumoto?" En asked and Yumoto turned to him, "H-Hireashi killed Araki-kun's parents! He's working with him now!"

En frowned, "'ll be okay. I promise."


"Don't day, you will destroy that demon and free him."

Yumoto nodded and rubbed the tears from his eyes, "Y-yes senpai..."

"Now, Yumoto...there were once Gods of the Moon and Sun." Io spoke and ten-year-old Yumoto cocked his head to the side, "Huh?"

Ryuu nodded, "Yes..."
Io continued, "Their names were Luna and Sol. Luna was the God of the Moon and could be rude at times, but he was kind to others."

Ryuu smiled and added, "Then there was Sol, he was the God of the Sun. He is Luna's twin brother, and could be very rude...together they were very powerful gods."

"Like An-chan?"
"Yes...did you know before your brother was the God of Love, that he was the God of War?" Ryuu asked and Yumoto gasped, "Wow! That's amazing!"

Io nodded, "Yes, now you need to turn in your homework."

"Yes, senpai."


Yumoto sighed to himself as he stood on his balcony outside, looking at the stars. He thought to himself, "I hope an-chan can get rid of Hireashi..."

He sighed sadly and looked down...he swore he could hear someone. He shook his head, it was probably just Yukiteru or one of his guardians.

He sighed as he heard footsteps behind him, "Atsushi-senpai, could you get me a bottle of milk, please?" He asked, not turning around and frowned as the footsteps never walked away nor did the person speak.

He puffed his cheeks out and turned around, "Atsushi-senpa-!" He gasped out as he saw someone, "W-who are you and how did you get into my bedroom!?"

He frowned and gasped as the person grabbed his arm, "Hey! Let go!" Yumoto yelled, "You are not allowed here!"

The person covered his mouth and smirked, "My name is know my father, Takumi."

Yumoto gasped and tried to push him away. "Argent! I need help!" He thought and Katashi growled, "I killed your betrothed parents and he'll be dead too."

Yumoto stomped on his foot and bit his hand. He pushed him away and growled, "Lord Tungsten and I are not betrothed! He's alive, he's working with Hireashi now, thanks to you!"

Katashi smiled, "That means I could marry you then."
Yumoto laughed, "Yeah right! I won't marry you! You're evil and I will forget you after this!"

Katashi growled and grabbed Yumoto by the shoulders, " fact you won't be able to..." He pushed Yumoto roughly and Yumoto screamed as he toppled over his balcony.

Katashi smirked and teleported away.

Yumoto cried out as he grabbed the bars and began to scream for help. "A-Atsu-mama! An-chan! SOMEONE!"

He tried to lift himself up but slipped. His eyes went wide as he lost his grip. "No!" He closed his eyes quickly and screamed. He gasped as someone grabbed his wrist.

"Prince Scarlet!" Kinshiro gasped, he held onto Yumoto's wrist tightly and tried to lift him up. "Y-Your majesty, I can't lift you!" He hissed and Yumoto cried out as he began to slip again.

Kinshiro gasped out as he felt an arm grab his shoulders, "Aurite, I'll save my brother."

Gora reached down and quickly grabbed Yumoto's other arm, "Aurite, let go of his wrist."
Kinshiro nodded and did as he was told. Yumoto whimpered as Gora lifted him up and tears flooded his eyes as he hugged him, "A-an-chan!"

"Yumoto, how did you fall?"
"S-some man...n-named Katashi appeared! I thought it was Ats-Epinard! Then he pushed me off after I said I something!"

Gora frowned, "Yumoto, you need to go to bed...I'll talk about this."

Yumoto nodded, "Yes an-chan..."

He went to his bed and Kinshiro left with Gora. Yumoto yawned as he fell asleep.


"We need to stop Takumi!" Kinshiro growled, "His son came last night and pushed the heir off his balcony!"

Ibushi nodded, "Yes and we, the Caerula Adamas need to stop them!"

Akoya turned to them, "We will...but once we do...the former Gods of the Sun and Moon will be here...then a new chapter of our lives will begin."

Kinshiro sighed, "If it is destiny, Perlite...then destiny shall occur. I've told you this before."

Akoya looked at him "Aurite...the heir's awakening will be a violent one...he will be ruling in an era of violence!"

Ibushi shook his head, "Perlite, if we must stop them and start this then we will! Scarlet is powerful and needs to awaken eventually!"

Akoya looked up, "The future God of Love will be great though...little Fluffhead will be powerful."

Tears filled Akoya's eyes, "Even though..." he sighed and muttered, "Crying isn't beautiful at all..." then added, "Even though his reign will be filled with darkness..."

Ibushi frowned, "Akoya, that may be the case...but...we'll be there for him, I promise." He looked up, " stop Takumi."

He looked up as he heard a loud scream and dropped his staff, that he only used when guarding the door. "Little One!" He pushed past Akoya and Kinshiro and ran to Yumoto's room.

He gasped as he ran into the was a mess. He looked around, "Little One?!" he called and ran out, "Scarlet?! YUMOTO!? Where are you!?" He yelled and looked around more.

He ran to the throne room and bowed, "M-Maximum Gorar! Y-Your brother! I heard him screaming and I couldn't find him!"

Gora gasped and Hashibiro frowned. "What do you mean, Argent?"

"Did you not hear the screams?"
Ibushi gasped, "He's gone! I-I looked for him and called for him! His room is a mess...I fear for his safety..."

Gora frowned, "Argent...get his guardians...they need to save him."
"Yes, sir!"

"Thank you, Lord Tungsten..." Takumi smirked as Tungsten carried an unconscious Yumoto.

Tungsten rolled his eyes, "Whatever...Lord Hireashi says if you mess this up, then you're dead."

Takumi smiled, "I won't fail him."

Tungsten looked at Yumoto "Yumoto...Scarlet..." He clutched at his head and turned away. Tungsten was only fifteen...almost sixteen...and the heir was fourteen...why was he working with Hireashi?

He glared at the demon and Hireashi smirked at him, "Tungsten..."

Tungsten shook his head, "I-I...I can't work with you anymore!" He screamed and his red eyes began to fade purple, "I quit Hireashi!" He ran out and clutched at his head tightly.

He gasped as a purple orb appeared in front of him, tears filled his eyes as his guardian, Hiroyuki appeared.

"H-Hiro-san!" He sobbed and held onto him tightly, "W-we have to warn Maximum Gorar!"

Hiroyuki nodded, "Hurry Ara-chan!"

The duo teleported away...they needed to tell the Caerula Adamas, Battle Lovers, and the current God of Love where Yumoto was...because Araki couldn't risk going back in there...

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