episode 01 - meet for the first time (pt.3)

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"The letter said to wait him until he done practicing. The thing is, when will he came out?" Tzuyu stand up outside SEVENTEEN's dance practice room. 

"My husband, can you please hurry upppp~" Tzuyu whispered to the camera so that Mingyu didn't hear her voice.

"I still don't who is my husband... Ah, buranhae....(Ah, I'm nervous.)"


"So, I'm done practiced. I look like a homeless guy with sweaty face. Ah, how should I do? My wife...." Mingyu talked to camera while swept his sweats away. 


MC2: Finally they're going to meet each other!!

Mingyu take a deep breath and open the room's door. "Oho!!!!" Gladly, SEVENTEEN wasn't there since they go home. 


MC3: Seeing Tzuyu made him saying "OHO!" 

"Annyeonghaseyo, Tzuyu-ssi...."

"Annyeonghaseyo, Mingyu sunbaenim..." 

They both bowed each other and blushed at the same time. 

Then they started a very awkward situation.


MC1: OMG, They're so awkward !

"Ah, how awkward..." Tzuyu cracked the silence and Mingyu laughed.

"So, do you want to eat..." Mingyu asked awkwardly, "Sure." Said Tzuyu.


The staff start to give the paper and give it to the couple. "Here. In this paper, you need to fill the questions."

"Ja.... Let's read the first question."

Mingyu said, while pass Tzuyu the other pen.

Q1: What nickname would suit your husband/wife?

"Yoda." Tzuyu gave a shock reaction. "How did you know that my nickname is Yoda?"

"Your ears..." Mingyu started to laugh. "Ah, mianhae..."

"You just same like the other TWICE unnies."

MC4: There's a photo that showed that Tzuyu is Yoda.

MC4: There's a photo that showed that Tzuyu is Yoda

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Tzuyu wrote down Mingyu's nickname and giggled. "Hey, what did you write down? Don't write something weird."

"It's Gyu."

MC2: Awww, that's cute.

"Can I change Tzuyu's nickname?"

"Why?" Mingyu crossed the "Yoda" and write something.

"Read this."

"Chew?" Tzuyu was confused for a second, then she understand. "Ah.... My name pronunciation is sound like "Chewy". Unnie said my " 쯔" in my name sounds like Chew. Oppa wrote it down "츄" How genius."

MC3: Tzuyu called him 'sunbaenim' just awhile ago, she called him 'oppa' now!

"So, we are ChewyGyum?" Tzuyu laughed. "You're so genius, oppa.." Tzuyu said while hold her tummy. 

MC4: ChewyGyum.

MC1: So genius.

Q2: What do you think ? Which facial features on her/his face are the best?

Tzuyu's answer : Gyu's dracula-teeth

Mingyu's answer : Chew's big eyes.

"My eyes? It's sparkling, right?"

"Yeah, that's why...." Mingyu rubbed his neck, shy.

"It's sparkling whenever I see you, Gyu oppa."

MC1234: OMG

MC3: Tzuyu made Mingyu blush too much. I'm sure that is not a makeup.

Tzuyu also feel cringe of herself. "Why did I do that...."

"BTW, you wrote my teeth? Dracula teeth."


"I will bite and suck your blood."

They both laughed because of their childish jokes.


Hi, everyone!! I know you guys has been waiting for this !! I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long, thanks for being so patience. I love my readers so much!! 

Hm, I think I'll call you guys "Squirtles" Hahahah it's because I love you guys just like the way I love Squirtle!!

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