The Landlord

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So back in 2014, I was in a rush to move to another apartment, and there were not many available for the time frame I wanted it for, atleast not in any good apartments and definitely not in good areas.
I finally found a nice decent apartment with 3 rooms and moved in for the time being. Atleast I had a place to live in while looking for a better place to live. The suite was newly renovated so I was supposed to get new appliances as well. There had been a mistake with the fridge and the landlord told me that they would replace it ASAP and I should be expecting it within the first 2 weeks of moving in.
About a month later, I got a knock on the door. I went to look out of the peephole and saw a man standing there with a piece of paper in his hand, and another man behind him. ''Fridge''. The man said from behind the door.
I opened the door and saw the 2 men. The first man was the delivery guy, behind him, stood a man who didn't really care about his appearance, and honestly looked like he had just crawled out of a dumpster. I thought he was just a helper. I let the man walk inside and place the fridge in the kitchen. The greasy man followed him inside and introduced himself to me.
''I am the new landlord'' He said with a smile.
''Really? Where did the old one go?'' I asked.
I was a bit startled as he looked like a freaking homeless guy. Who the hell hired him?
''Oh she doesnt work here anymore''. He said.
Well no shit, I thought. The delivery guy then said bye and left. But the landlord didn't.
''Where are your parents?'' He asked me.
I told him that i lived alone. (BIG MISTAKE!) ''No way!! you look like your 15 girl!.'' He said with a smile
''Haha, yeah, i get that a lot''.
"What do you need a big place like this for''? he asked
''I just told him that i moved here temporarily.
He walked over into the kitchen and started to open and close the fridge door.
''Just checking if everything is good.'' he said. I just nodded and leaned against the wall and watched. He then just stood there, looking at the fridge and then back to me. Why doesnt he freaking leave, i thought to myself.
'Then he said: 'You are really cute.......Look at you standing there, you are so cute.''
I let out a laugh and thanked him. No red flags yet...
He then said: ''I live on the first floor if you ever wanna visit. We can hang out.''
I didn't know how to answer him. ''Um, haha, yeah..I mean.. I don't thi-. Before I could say another word, he interrupted me:
'' I have no friends, and I don't talk to my family, I am really lonely''.
Ok, red flags are going off now. I asked him why he didn't talk to his family. He brushed it off and changed topic quickly. Then he started walking to the door and repeated himself once again: ''Don't forget! First floor, don't be a stranger!''.
I followed him to the door and locked it when he left.
I felt a bit uncomfortable, but soon forgot about it.
About 3 days later, I got a phone call from a place I had applied to. I had landed a part time job at BestBuy. this was my second job since I already had a job at an insurance company.
I was excited to start work at BestBuy, I was hired in the tech department and I love computers!
Before I go on, I worked monday-Friday from 9 to 5 at the insurance place, and then 3 days a week at bestbuy, mostly in the evening, but it varied on weekends.
So on the first day, I headed out of my apartment, took the elevator down, and was about to exit the front door when I heard a familiar voice.
It was the landlord.
"hey whats up'' I said.
''Not much, where are you going'' he asked.
I ignored his question, and just told him I needed to go, and walked out of the door.
I didn't need to drive to work, because BestBuy was walking distance. About 3 min into my walk, i noticed a grey car driving slowly beside me. I glanced over to see who it was, and it was the landlord. He rolled the passenger side down: ''where are you going?''
I told him that I was on my way to work, and that i was going to be late if i continued chatting.
I said bye, and I continued walking a bit faster.
" wait, let me take you, where do you work''
''No, its alright. Its not far away. I work at best buy, Ill walk'' (I know, another dumb mistake, I shouldn't have told him where I worked.) ''Come on, let me take you, I am heading to Tim Hortons anyway, need to get some coffee''.
Well, it wouldn't hurt if he dropped me off, I thought. He's going the same direction anyway. I hesitated a bit, but then accepted his offer.
I got into his car (I know, dumb of me!) and let him drive me to work. It was a very short ride, but he did not fail to make me feel uncomfortable. When I finally got to my works parking lot, I thanked him and I reached for the door to open it, but it didn't open.
''Hey your door is locked''
''Oh haha, yeah I have the habit to lock doors, before I let you go, can you give me your number?''
I lied to him and told him that my phone wasn't working, and that I was just using it as an iPod. My phone wasn't on vibrate and I was Hoping to God that I wouldn't get a text message or any other notification.
Ok, then let me give you my number, he said. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote his number down.
''Give me a call ok''?
''haha, sure..........'' I said.
''When are you going to call me''?He asked
"I don't know, Ill call you when I get the chance to'' I told him.
"What time are you done? Ill pick you up''
''I don't know, its my first day, I don't know how long I'm gonna be here for''
I was Hoping that he would fall for my lie.
He unlocked the doors and I stepped out of the car, I thanked him again and walked towards the store, Before leaving, he once again shouted '' Don't forget to call!'' and then drove off. Jesus...what a creep that guy is. I threw the little paper with his number out and forgot about the whole situation again.
The next day I was a little scared to take the elevator, since He always ''HAPPENED' to be everywhere I was going. So I decided to take the stairs. It lead to the backdoor and I was sure I wouldn't see him. I did this for about 4 days and never saw him. Great, this works, I thought. On the 4th night, I was sitting in the living room, watching youtube videos on my laptop. It was around 10.30 PM and was kind of dozing off when I heard a knock at the door. I wasn't expecting anyone....who could it be? I sat quiet and didn't move, hoping they'd just go away. Another knock.... I tip toed to the door to look out of the peephole, it was the landlord again...
''Hey are you there? open up''.
Confused, and tired, I opened the door.
The conversation went as followed:
"Hey, whats up?
''Where the hell have you been?''
"what do you mean?''
"I don't see you leave for work anymore, did you quit or something?''
''No, I still go to work, I just have a weird schedule.''
''You never called me! I was waiting for your call, and you never called, you promised!''
''Sorry, I just never got the chance to, I work 2 jobs, so Im pretty busy.''
''I came to your work and asked for you, and they told me that no one by that name worked there, Did you lie to me? Did you lie to me about your name?''
I was caught off guard, I didn't know what to tell him. I had indeed lied to him about my name. But that wasn't what freaked me out... Why the hell had he gone to my work?
'' went to my work? Why?'' I asked a bit nervously.
''Because I didn't see you around, I wanted to know where you were'' He said irritated.
I didn't respond.. He then just stared at me for a moment, hoping that I'd invite him in. But there was no way in hell I was going to invite this guy in.
"Im really tired, I need to work tomorrow, Ill see you around?''
''Look, I need to talk to you, can we talk?''
''Honestly, I am really tired right now, can this wait?''
''Whatever, fine'' He said while walking away, still muttering something under his breath.
I shut the door and stayed up for a bit. Afraid that he'd return. Luckily he did not return and I could finally go to sleep. Another day of slavery was awaiting me the next day. So the next day came, I got ready for work again, and decided to take the elevator. The Elevator door opened, and guess who was in there? Yup. It was him.
He asked me if I needed a ride to work. I responded no. "are you sure?'' he asked. I told him once again that I didn't need a ride. and got out of the elevator and went to work. This went on for months. By this time, I had already mentioned him to my manager and my co-workers. They had told me that if I didn't show up for work one day, they'd call the police.
Sometimes He'd see me walk out of the main door and he would drop everything he was doing to come after me. Asking if I needed a ride. Other times he would ask if we could hang out, and if he could take me on a date. Knocking at my door in the middle of the night was also a pretty common thing.
One time he was in the middle of a conversation with another tenant. The tenant was complaining about something that had broken in his suite and that he needed him to fix it. The Landlord told the tenant that he should go his apartment, and he would get his tools and follow quickly after. The tenant left, But he never went to get his tools, instead...he followed me outside and offered me a ride to work again. I told him no, and that he needed to do his job, and help the tenant. He said he didn't give a shit about the tenant and that he just wanted to be around me. This creeped me out of course.
Now you might ask why i hadn't called the police. Well, the police wouldn't have done anything since he had not caused any physical harm. So there would be no point in calling them. Also, I had no proof of these things happening. Other than him showing up to my work a few times. He would come to my work often to look for me if he didn't see me leave for work, or if he hadn't seen me in a couple of days. Or he would bang on my doors in the middle of the night asking me to open the door. I of course, would ignore it. He had no way of reaching me anymore, because it was now clear to him that I was avoiding him.
A couple of weeks passed and I was awoken by the sound of a fire alarm going off. Oh shit...thats right, there was supposed to be another firedrill today... It was my day off, I quickly went to see if I still had the note, to see what time they were going to enter apartments. Maybe I still had some time to get ready and leave the apartment..Since the Landlord usually comes in with the person who checks the alarm. I couldn't find the note.
I got ready as fast as I could, and I was halfway done when there was a knock at my door. Crap, I thought. I opened the door and there was the guy for the alarm, and.......the landlord. They both walked in, the landlord didn't say a word to me. The guy checked the alarm and then said it was good, and they both left. I felt relieved. That went well. Right? Wrong! not even a minute passed and I heard another knock at my door.
''Hey its me, can you open up for a second?''
I ignored it. Louder knocks.
''Hey man I know you are in there, stop playing with me. I need to tell you something. Come on, open up''
This continued for about 2 min. When it was finally silent again. I had enough of this fucking guy. I had to do something about this. That night, I was supposed to go to my friends house, to hang out with her, and also to return her laptop. She had given it to me to reinstall Windows. I got ready and left my apartment at around 11 PM. It was really nice out, and I wanted to walk to her house. It was a long walk, but I really love walking. I took the elevator down, and when the elevator opened, I saw him standing by his door. He hadn't seen me yet so I had to act fast. Either get back into the elevator or sprint for the front door. In a split decision, I went for the front doors. But sadly, he noticed me. I heard heavy footsteps running behind.
Before I go on with the story, I want to say that when you leave the front door, you see a big parking lot, in order to leave the apartment complex you need to walk around the building. So basically, the front doors face the back of the building, and the backdoors are the front. I know, its weird. Anyhow, when I got outside, I ran halfway around the building and looked behind me, there was no one there. I stopped running and started walking normally again. But something inside me told me to keep running.
Little did I know that the reason why the footsteps behind me had stopped, was because he had gone to the backdoors to catch me there. When I got to the other side of the building, I saw that he had made it halfway around the backside of the building, (Which is the front). I started running again and he started running after me. He chased me for about 2 blocks while we both would occasionally stop to catch our breaths. I was close to the main road, when I stopped running. My lungs were burning, I couldn't run anymore. Whatever happened next, I had to fight.
He caught on.
Out of breath, he said: ''stop.....stop man....You are killing me. Stop doing this to me''
I looked in shock. Didn't say a word. Still trying to catch my breath.
"why are you doing this to me man'' He said Letting out a small cry.
For the first time, I saw a look of sadness, mixed with anger.
''STOP FOLLOWING ME!' I yelled. "WTF Do you want?''
''Please...dont go, please come with me... Lets talk.'' He pleaded.
''talk about WHAT?''
he was still trying to catch his breath.
I didn't care anymore, I was shaking, tired, and just wanted to see my friend. I didn't even make out what he said because of the adrenaline, I started walking again, Turning around every 2 seconds to see if he was following me.
But he wasn't....he just watched me walk away. and that is the last time I saw him.

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