My friends and I were split into different classes and they all seemed to have not missed me being friends with them... I found a new group of people I knew quite well and started to hang with them instead.
Their names were: Rachel,Dante,Ash,Erin,Bianca,Luke,Greg,Stuart and Tristan...
Luke and I were a couple at the beginning of the year but things went wrong during the year and we decided to split☹️💔 Ash and Stuart were dating but they also decided to split... Ash and I eventually gave up loving Stuart and Luke because we knew they wouldn't want us back😢 Ash went for boys(which I'm sure they don't want me to mention) and then she fell for Jordan B😏 I only dated quite a bit later after Luke broke up with me and I chose Prinal P☺️ At times we see Jordan,we sometimes saw Prinal and most of the time,we'd see Rachel🤓❤️ Our friend group was perfect until bad things were happening but nobody knew why and how it happened🤔☹️ Ash,Jordan,Dante,Luke,Greg and Rachel are in the same class(7D,the naughtiest class ever) Erin,Bianca,Stuart,Tristan,Paril and I were all in the same class(7B) Prinal was all by himself in 7C.