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The sun began to rise. She looked up to see him sleeping. She loved to watch him sleep. He always looked so peaceful, as if for once the weight of the world wasn't on his shoulders. After watching for a while she decided to make them breakfast. After the last couples of weeks they needed this.
He woke up. His bed was empty. He jumped up and searched the room. Before leaving the room he smelt it. Coffee. It was her favorite. He snuck into the kitchen to scare her. She was fixing something at the stove. She was already dresses for work. He forgot it was her first day back since the accident. The thought made his heart ache.
Quietly he snuck up behind her before wrapping his arms around her stomach. She yelped. She began to turn to face him as he laughed.
"Barry Allen. How many times have I told you not scare me."
"About as many times that I have."
He looked at her.
"You look nice." He said before kissing her. She broke the kiss off laughing.
"I plan to continue to look nice, so," she leaned towards his ear," no distractions."
She pushed him away laughing.
"Can you set the table for me. Your eggs are almost done."
She felt a rush of wind. Turning around she saw the table set perfectly, and him sitting there ready for work. She smiled.
"So are you ready for work today."
"Yeah. I've missed it, but not as much as I'm going to miss spending every morning with you. And speaking of work I need to get going or I'm going to be late."
She stood up and put her dish and the sink and was greeted by him.
"I'll see you at Star Labs?" She asked.
"Yeah we are still tracking all of Alchemy's meta's." She noticed how he said the last part slowly.
"It's okay Bear."
"Okay. Well do you have everything you need?"
"Almost everything."
She leaned up and kissed him. When they broke apart he picked her up an ran her to CCPN.
The day was slow. Scott didn't give her any assignments, so she sat and waited. When it became 7 she headed for Star Labs. When she got to the front door she was knocked over by red and blue streaks. Savitar.
"Barry!" she screamed, but she knew he couldn't hear her screams.
She ran to the cortex.
"What is he doing?"
"I don't know. Savitar was here. Barry was here. And then they were both gone. They are on fifth street now. Barry isn't looking to good." Cisco said pointing at the screen.
That's all she needed to hear. She turned around to leave.
"Where are you going."
"Fifth Street right?"
"I'm going to fifth street."
By the time she got there barry was on the ground struggling to get up. Savitar punched him hard. He fell to the ground again. This time savitar picked him up by the neck. She had seen this before. With Zoom. This time Savitar slammed his knife like fingers into Barry's heart. That's when she saw him stop struggling. Savitar dropped him and sped away.
"Barry!" She ran over to him. When she got to him he couldn't breathe.
"Barry. Hey look at me. I need you to stay with me."
His breathing continued to slow.
"Iris. I need you..... I need you to know that I... love." He stopped breathing and his eyes shut.
"Barry no. Barry." She continued to screame his name until she felt someone shaking her.
"Iris. Iris wake up."
She shot up out of bed breathing hard covered in sweat. Her dad was there. It had been 3 weeks since she got out of the hospital, and still no one had seen Barry Allen. She began to cry. Her dad grabbed her.
"It's ok Iris. We'll find him."
"When? We've looked everywhere dad. What if the reason we can't find him is because there is no one left to find?"
Hey. We can't think about that"
"That's all i can think about. Maybe he is gone. And I never got to tell him that I love him."

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