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She was sitting at the kitchen table working on a story when her dad walked in. She had already eaten dinner knowing that he would be in later than usual. He sat his stuff down and walked over to her.

"You are still here? I thought you would have gone home already."

"Me too."

He took a seat next to her and just looked at her. Her dad hadn't asked about why she was staying here. All she said was that her and Barry had a fight, and that she needed some space. He also hadn't pushed her to tell him the truth. He watched Barry and Iris grow up together, and yes they fought, but it never lasted this long.

She could since him staring at her so she pushed her computer away and looked at him.

"Whats up?"

"What happened Iris."

"I already told you Barry and I had a fight. That's it."

"Iris I know you, and Barry. You too have been best friends since forever. You grew up together. I watched both of you grow up together. Yes, you too have fought, but it always ended when you realized how much you too needed each other. How much you loved each other. No matter what the other person did they would be forgiven. That's how its always been"

Iris was in tears now.

" I left dad. I couldn't be around him anymore."

"Iris what happened?"

"He wasn't Barry anymore. With everything that happened. He left. He left me. Then he comes back, and ignores me. He was leaving early, and coming home late. He would wake up with nightmares. Then tell me he was fine. He's not fine, dad. He's different and he won't tell me why. All I want is for us to go back to being us. So I left, and told I wouldn't come back until he started telling me what was wrong."

"Iris, I'm sorry."

"I am too. I thought we were doing good, but clearly I was wrong."

"Iris, do you remember the first few months after Barry moved in?"


"He had just lost him mom and dad. I kept trying to get him to let me him, but he hated me. I realized that soon that after tragedy that Barry could become very guarded. That he just seemed to have this problem of carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. After Eddie and Ronnie died he did the same thing. It took us a long time to get through to him. I think that is what's happening now. I have watched Barry be in love with you since he moved in. Iris, he was with you that night when Savitar hurt you. He was forced to watch it. When he came to get me he was so convinced that you were dead. I saw that little boy again. The boy that lost everything that he loved. I think that now he has all of the weight on him now, and its tearing him apart. I think instead of waiting for him to come around you should confront him about it. Try and break down that barrier that he has built between the two of you."

Iris nodded her head. She was full on crying now. She knew what she had to do.

"Thanks dad."


He pulled her into a hug. They sat like that for a while when Joe's phone began to ring. he answered it.

"Hey Cisco. What's up."

"It's Barry."

Joe looked at Iris.

"What about Barry?"

"Savitar showed up."

"Is he Ok?"

"You need to get to Star Labs."

"Cisco is Barry Ok?"

"Its bad. Its really bad."

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