Chapter 10

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Laura had been greatly relieved to learn that Vinicius' Shields had returned to Sanctuary victorious. She had allowed herself to relax slightly. The threat was deterred for now.

But now she felt a sense of immediate alarm and foreboding. She set aside her review of the military capabilities of each haven, and focused her consciousness on the new threat her MindWave's background security scans had picked up.

In a moment, she had immersed herself in a fully realistic recording of the scene, only a few minutes old. Two heathens were being led into Vinicius' haven in chains. She walked alongside them as they were led through the tunnels and up the stairs and finally into his audience chamber. She smelled the sweat, blood, and filth that permeated their clothes. She observed the boy's façade of courage, and the girl's transparent fear.

These heathens had been captured by the force she'd ordered Vinicius to send to counter the attack on the cable junction, she knew. Some kind of bungled order. But now that they had been brought back to Sanctuary, Vinicius was right to interrogate them. Perhaps her subconscious had alerted her to this scene because the heathens had revealed how they had come to learn of the cables. But it was curious, then, that Vinicius had not told her the news himself.

"Kobus," she called. If there were a threat, she would want his advice on how to proceed militarily. "Abril," she added. Sometimes with the right prodding, Abril offered novel solutions to complex problems.

Laura paused the recording. The Shields and their captives were frozen in time as she paced around them impatiently.

After a few seconds, Kobus appeared in the middle of the audience chamber, standing on the other side of the captives from her. He wore a black half helm and a dark red leather jerkin with bear's head motif. He nodded in greeting as his eyes flitted around the room, as if he was trying to make sense of his surroundings.

He was followed an instant later by Abril, who had just recovered from her rebirth ceremony. Abril, instead of her normal palette of black and gold, appeared dressed in a light blue gown that did not complement her complexion. She smiled primly at Laura and Kobus, the overly controlled expression only making her seem uncertain.

Laura waved her hand at the human Shields and heathen captives. "Two heathen captives captured by Vinicius' forces. About to be interrogated at Sanctuary." Laura restarted the recording and all three Aeons watched intently as the scene unfolded.

The Shields forced their two captives to the ground in the middle of the audience chamber.

Vinicius walked into the room, and the two heathens cowered in fear. Laura was reassured that even a fainthearted Aeon like Vinicius terrified heathen and human alike by his mere presence. Kobus' hatred of Vinicius, she hoped, would be diluted after today. Despite his weakness, Vinicius had finally proven himself to be more than a disloyal fool. He had defeated the heathens and brought back captives he was interrogating personally.

But a moment later, Laura's relief dissolved. She frowned as the heathen girl's frightened expression changed to one of relief. Instead of the interrogation she had expected, Laura watched in growing fury as Vinicius allowed the girl to freely speak in her ancient, rough language. Her words spoke of a betrayal Laura had not thought possible.

Before the girl could damn him even further, Vinicius glanced around the room nervously, as if fearing that Laura might witness what was transpiring, and had had the two captives dragged away.

Laura froze the recording as the two captives disappeared out of the audience chamber. She clenched her fists and stared at the ground. She was overcome by fear, anger, and betrayal. Bile rose in her chest and she heard her heartbeat racing in her ears. She could easily smother these emotions by releasing calming hormones into her bloodstream. But she preferred to let the emotions wash over her and cleanse her of the doubt that she had struggled with for centuries.

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