Chapter 4

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Faith and Lila were sitting around the chimney where Faith started a fire to keep them warm "Lila what did you say to the Headmaster?" Lila just stared at the fire as if she was scared to tell Faith what she did but quietly spoke "I talked to him about you." Faith was confused why she would talk to him about her did she do something to hurt Lila. "Did I do something to upset you Lila" Lila looked at her with a surprising look "you would never upset me your too kind to do something like that." Faith just got more and more confused "then why would you talk to the Headmaster about me then" this time Lila looked away. "I told him what you told me about being a Jinx" Faith breathed in and out trying to calm herself so she didn't flip out at Lila because Faith knew Lila just wanted to help her. "So what type of things did you tell him exactly" Lila repeated herself "I said I told him about you being a Jinx and what you told me" Faith just got confused on what she said but realized she must have confused Lila on what she said. "Oh no I mean what did you say to him like the exact words I told you and like being banned and all that stuff?" Lila finally understood what she meant "no I left stuff like that out because I felt like that was personal to you I just told him to make a rule about not calling you a Jinx and to take the banned rule off so you can do whatever you like." Now it was Faith turned to be confused "I thought you said you left the personal things out" Lila quickly corrected herself "oh no I meant like I said I wanted the banned rule to go because I didn't like it I didn't mention your name or anything like that and I told him how you felt about being called a Jinx and everything!" Faith just smiled at Lila and started laughing Lila looked very shocked "Faith this isn't a laughing matter they were cruel to you" Faith couldn't stop laughing and finally had to catch her breath. "I didn't understand a thing you said you were going a hundred miles per second hahaha" Lila broke out in giggles and repeated herself to Faith. For the rest of the afternoon Lila explained what was gonna happen to Faith after the rules were lifted and when the rules were made. Faith and Lila were so busy going over the new rules Faith didn't notice the time until donging from the clock told her it was 12:00 a.m "wow it's midnight." Faith stood up and helped Lila up then made her way to the closet picking out pajamas while Lila made her way to the back of the cabin where she will be staying for the so called month. Faith said goodnight to Lila brushed her teeth and did her usual routine at night she read her book Faith has read this series over a million times and can't get over it, it's about a young girl who was born to save the world. Faith has always wanted to meet the author Jacey Pillar she's always found her books fascinating. Faith always wanted become an author but since she was banned from school she's never learned to write Faith would've try learning herself but she's not aloud to have any paper. She's always wondered why but realized they're probably afraid she will write a letter for someone to rescue her from this town and was probably afraid they will get ruined knowing they ruined a child's life. Faith read until 1:00 a.m forgetting everyone was supposed to be asleep by 9:00 p.m the door slowly creaked opened revealing the Headmaster. "Mrs. Pass you are supposed to be asleep" Faith stomach dropped when she heard his voice it was still filled with venom ready to kill it's prey. "Headmaster i-i'm sorry me and Lila stayed up until 12:00 talking about stuff and I did my daily reading when I laid down and lost track of time i-i'm sorry Headmaster" Faith bowed as low as she can afraid if she didn't she will be punished. The Headmaster's eyes looked relieved for some reason and spoke up "it's fine Ms. Pass just be careful next time and please stick to the rule." The Headmaster made his way out of the cabin but quietly shut the door on his way out Faith's mouth hanged wide open "wow that venom  quickly turned into soft fluffy clouds real quick." Lila made her way into the room rubbing her eyes" who was that Faith "Faith got cold chills from Lila suddenly appearing "oh it was just the Headmaster I forgot about the go to bed at 9:00 rule and stayed up until 1:00 so he just gave me a warning." Lila looked like she had something on her mind "what's wrong Lila it looks like you have something on your  mind " Lila answered "did he call you a Jinx" Faith smiled at how much Lila reminds Faith of Anniha. Anniha worries about Faith all the time Faith remembered the time when Anniha will see Faith every single day then another time Anniha won't see Faith for weeks and will get all worried and search for her. Lila and Anniha are the only two people that have ever made Faith feel special and Faith is thankful for it, Faith actually feels like she has a family when she's with them. Faith was so busy thinking to herself she forgot to answer Lila's question "Faith did you hear me" Faith comes back to earth and finally answered Lila "he used my last name but was very formal when he talked to me and he was very kind towards the end when he was talking to me so you don't have to worry about me okay Lila?" Lila smiled "okay i'm gonna go back to bed then goodnight Faith try to get some sleep okay" Faith nodded and made her way to her own bed and laid down and closed her eyes and soon fell asleep. (Find out what happens next chapter)

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