Chapter 3

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When I get to work I decide to tell my boss of my plans after Uni, basically saying I might need to resign. He took it better than I thought and actually gave me a hug. Weird.

My shift consisted of the usual.

"So I heard Dean went to dinner with your parents last night, how'd that go?" I ask Frankie taking a sip of my water.

"Good, I guess I'm lucky that my parents love him." She smiles.

"How are Trisha and John anyways? Weren't they on that Europe trip recently?"

"Yeah ... they're fine." She murmurs.

"What's up?" I ask concerned.

"Dean asked me to move in with him."

"Really? He didn't talk to me about this, how exciting." I grin, but the look on her face tells me she's not too thrilled.

"I don't know whether I'm ready." She whispers, not meeting my eyes.

"You've been together for four years." I state.

"I know, I-I just don't know." She shakes her head and walks away. Okay?

It's dead in the store at the moment and we only have 10 mintues until close. I start cleaning the tables and chairs to keep myself occupied.

The way Frankie just dismissed the conversation bothers me. Her and Dean have been together for four years, so it's understandable why Dean has asked her to move in together. Dean owns his own place since he graduated, but before that as soon as he turned sixteen he lived with me from time to time. His parents obviously didn't mind.

Frankie has always understood him in a manner that I couldn't. I would never be jealous of her, I consider her my best friend besides Dean. I'm just in a difficult situation when they're fighting.

The bell at the door rings and I don't bother looking up. Frankie can get this one.

I grab an empty coffee cup and go to turn around to put it in the bin but I collide with something, or someone. I nearly lose my balance but their hands grab my arms to stop my fall.

"Sorry..." I say and look up to find Carter. He's not wearing his usual suit and tie, but dark denim jeans and a black hoodie. It's strange to see such a professional man in casual clothes.

"That's alright, Addison." He assures, giving me a smile-or atleast attempting to.

I return the smile and dodge him slightly to chuck the empty coffee cup in the bin.

"You know, you just turning up out of nowhere is starting to creep me out." I state not meeting his eyes.

"Well, I did worn you at the Uni." He smirks.

"No, you didn't, you just asked if I were working."

"Same thing, Addison." He states and his jaw tenses. Gosh.

I give him a strange look as if to tell him, what the hell is your problem? then sidestep him to clean more tables. His attitude and confidence combined together give him the most intriguing toxic nature. Where did this man even come from? And why won't he leave me alone?

He eventually walks up to the counter and orders a coffee, not taking another glance at me. But I can't help but admire the way his jeans look so snug on his hips. They're not too tight like skinny jeans, but they make his arse look quite fit. What the hell Addison?

I look away from him and grab the broom and start sweeping, which I then start mopping soon after. When I look up Carter's no where in sight and I'm not quite sure what to think. He's so confusing.

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