Chapter 7

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Master Yoo insists on joining the JSS agents on their mission to take out Representative Park while CEO Gook calls the police commissioner about switching sides. The politician's men spot the drove of vans leaving the JSS headquarters, and thanks to the police commissioner, Representative Park is tipped off about tonight's planned attack at his home.

His secretary decides it's safer to escort Representative Park to a hideout, knowing full well that they're being followed. Indeed the car behind them is from JSS, and they're momentarily stopped by a traffic cop who's actually working for Representative Park.

As a supply truck leaves the JSS headquarters, the agent tailing Representative Park reports that he's lost the target, only to spot a similar car a minute later. It's a classic diversion technique, as the real car transporting the politician drives away safely.

While the JSS agents stare down at Representative Park's men in their respective vehicles, the supply truck-which contain JSS snipers-parked outside the politician's hideout. And they see Representative Park's car pull in.

Yoona is pleased to hear everything is going according to plan, even praising CEO Gook for his efforts. Over at the hideout, there are two policemen following Representative Park.

Representative Park's secretary ask the men if they've eaten, but then everyone freezes when they answer, "yes." Joong Ki and Team Leader Seo, who were disguised as the policemen, realize that that was a secret question, and he finds himself surrounded before he can pull out his gun.

The men are instructed to shoot, but that's when the JSS snipers start shooting them down like flies. Joong Ki and Team Leader Seo take cover in the ensuing shootout, and run after Representative Park, who is escorted away from the crossfire.

Both men keep their eye on the target, shooting at every opportunity. The snipers provide reinforcement, taking a shot whenever the target is in sight. Joong Ki and Team Leader Seo tail Representative Park and his bodyguards into an office, where Representative Park's secretary shoots Team Leader Seo in the back.

The secretary throws the now empty gun away, and Joong Ki comes face to face with more of Representative Park's men. When one of them puts a gun to Team Leader Seo's head, Joong Ki shoots him down.

He then rushes over to Team Leader Seo, who screams at him to stay focused on the target. Seeing Representative Park crawl away, Joong Ki jumps into a chair and rolls across the room while shooting his gun.

As Representative Park runs into his panic room, Joong Ki slides underneath the closing door. He keeps his gun trained on the terrified politician, and he curses himself as the symptoms of his PTSD rise to the surface.

Angry tears fall from Joong Ki's eyes as he breathes heavily, unable to pull the trigger. He shoots at the ceiling instead, letting out agonized screams. It takes another minute for Joong Ki's breathing to become even, and now that he's no longer in immediate danger, Representative Park asks Joong Ki to hear him out.

At the words that Joong Ki won't be able to come out alive even if he kills Representative Park, he's reminded of Anna's orders to return to her. Representative Park offers double of however much his employers are paying him for his assassination. Reminded of Yoona's words that a bullet isn't the only thing that can kill a man, Joong Ki can't help but laugh.

Representative Park starts awkwardly laughing with him when Joong Ki says money is exactly what mercenaries like him love to hear. The politician is instructed to sit and grant the JSS agents safe passage.

Joong Ki realizes that Representative Park knows who he is, though he wonders how much the politician knows. He's relieved when it appears Representative Park knows that he's killed before but unable to kill anyone at present. He outwardly ponders the offer and calls Yoona to tell her all about it.

Yoona realizes this means Joong Ki is currently operating alone, thus unable to kill Representative Park. She mulls over the situation and asks to speak with the politician.

She smiles when Representative Park admits defeat, though she doesn't take up the man on his offer to release Min Ho in exchange for sparing his life right away. He gets her attention when he offers that Min Ho can join his political party, to which Yoona says amusingly that she might consider if Representative Park withdraws from this election.

Representative Park chuckles before saying he's better off being killed, but she knows where he stands now and gives him fifteen minutes to deliberate. She asks to speak with Joong Ki and tells him: "Come back alive, no matter what."

Soon, all the JSS agents move out, much to Master Yoo's confusion. He's even more puzzled when he's told that they've won. Min Ho is released from the prosecutor's office while the Democratic Party announces a formal invitation for Min Ho to join their party.

Yoona won't celebrate until Joong Ki returns safe and sound, which only makes Secretary Kim more nervous. So when Secretary Kim tries calling Team Leader Seo, the call goes unanswered.

Representative Park hands Joong Ki a bagful of cold hard cash from his safe, then sits down to casually mention how he knows Joong Ki was a part of Blackstone. Despite his initial surprise, Joong Ki keeps his cool, and Representative Park says he had once hired the Blackstone mercenaries to protect him.

Representative Park appears surprised himself when Joong Ki pinpoints that he must've been there on private business. When Joong Ki says it reeks of oil in this room, Representative Park retorts that it isn't oil, but likely the smell of blood.

He offers Joong Ki to work for him and his country while earning some pocket money on the side. Joong Ki agrees to being brought on for-hire, and Representative Park makes sure that Joong Ki leaves safely with the money in hand.

Joong Ki rejoins the other JSS agents and says nothing when Team Leader Seo asks about the money. Min Ho is filled in on recent events through Sung-won, concluding that Yoona wanted Anna dead. When Chief Joo says Sung-won made the first move though, he asks if Chief Joo's loyalties lie with Yoona.

Chief Joo doesn't have much of a defense to how Anna's life was in danger, adding that it was Yoona who was responsible for his release. But Min Ho refuses to hear any more.

Yoona congratulates Secretary Kim for not losing her life. She warns her not to mess with Joong Ki lest she actually has a death wish. Desperate, Secretary Kim pleads with her, saying that she can do anything Joong Ki can do for her.

Yoona shares in that same earnest sentiment, but for Joong Ki. Therefore it's to Secretary Kim's best interest not to push her to the edge and to focus on what she does best rather than try to do what Joong Ki can do for her.

"Magic Mirror. Give Joong Ki access to your database."

"Yes, Madam. Processing order"

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