Peppy's Illness (part two)

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>> Poppy's POV <<

Over the last few hours, my dad had only gotten worse. His fading pink hair had turned a dismal shade of grey, with one streak of faint pink running through the right side.

Dad coughed in his makeshift hospital bed. I was trying to stay postive, but that was hard when my only parent was very sick and no one could even figure out what the disease was. I just hoped that I wouldn't turn grey again.

I touched the ex-king's face gently. I winced when he coughed again. I didn't even know if his disease was contagious, but I didn't care. I stood at his bedside anyway.

It was hard to remember that I was queen now. Eventually I would have to get married and have children to carry on the bloodline, but no matter what, I would never have a king. I wanted to be in control, so instead whoever I married would have to settle for the title of prince consort.

But, again, I don't know how I could have possibly thinking about such futile things while my father was sick, possibly... dying.

My dad sighed slowly. "I love you, Poppy."

A tear leaked from my eye. "I love you too, Dad."

"I don't want to die," he suddenly declared. "Because you would become sad again if I did."

I bit my lip. My dad had always been so good with words. I only felt that way in positive situations (which I made positive), and could never seem to say the right things in sad times. However, I hadn't had many of those up until now.

A rapping sounded from behind the door. I quietly opened it, letting a familiar troll inside.

Branch looked towards Peppy. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't do anything."

Branch rolled his eyes and bit his lip. "They still don't know what's wrong?"

"No." I stated solemnly.

"My grandmother was a medicine troll," he realized brightly. "She taught me about different diseases when I was little. Maybe I could help."

I smiled and named all of Dad's symptoms. But then I realized that Branch could only tell me which illness my father had, not actually cure it.

When I finished my list of symptoms, Branch's face sunk with pity. "It's a troll illness called Sherwhin's Disease. The cause is unknown, the treatment is unknown, and all known cases so far have been... terminal."

I know, you all hate me... but all stories must have conflict. Otherwise it's just fluff. And fluff eventually gets boring.

Terminal means deadly, in case any of you younger ones were wondering...

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