The Prince is finally back.

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"Prince Dean" as what people call him. You might be wondering why but who wont call him that if he has everything in life? Dean has a perfect family background, he's the only son of Korea's number 1 business man. They own a 5 star hotel, a very popular and huge shopping malls in Hongdae and Gangnam, not to mention they ranked number 1 for 5 years with their clothing brand, "Giuseppe". Dean has lived his entire teenage life in LA, he lives alone there while attending middle school and high school, but everything has changed when he got into an accident with his bestfriend, Martina while heading home from a party. Luckily, Dean survived and got minor injuries but not Martina, she suffered from a severe head injury and got here into comma. Dean treats Martina like her real sister and he just can't forgive his self for getting Martina in that kind of state. A week after the accident, Martina's body has given up the reason why Dean decided to fly back to Seoul. "There's no reason for me to stay in LA. I'd die from depression if I keep on sticking up my ass with the memories I have with her. I need to be strong and start a new life here." he said as he walks to his room. "Good morning, young master!" A young maid greeted him with a pure smile. Dean just nod his head, he was too tired to even answer her back, he was in the plane for 14 hours and all he wants to do is just sleep and meet his good old friends in the afternoon. "I've heard he's got an attitude" she murmurs as she continue to clean the floor. "How I miss home." he stretch his body and reach the photo beside his bed. "Mom, my room hasn't even changed. I miss you though, wish you were here with me right now." he lets out a soft sigh. Dean's mom died when he was still in middle school, for Dean his mom is his everything since his dad is always out of the country because of their business. "I'll see you in a few hours mom, I just need to take a rest." dean smiled widely while talking to the photo in front of him. "I wonder how everyone's been doing without me." he shrugs and goes to bed to get some sleep.

"Holy shit, Guess who's back!" Zico shouted as he jumps out of his bed. "Hyung, you frightened me!" Mino gave him a death glare. "Chill, okay?" he replied back as he tap Mino's back gently. Mino just shake his head out of confusion. "Yeah? So, who's back? Seolhyun? he jokingly asked Zico. "Do you wanna die?" Zico answered back. "Dean is back." he continues. "The Prince is back." he rubs his nape; smirking. "Should we tell Sooyoung?" Mino asked as he takes his phone out of his pocket. "They used to be good friends though?" Mino said trying to type something on his phone.

 Zico is Dean's childhood friend, they always go out and party when dean come back to Seoul for a vacation

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 Zico is Dean's childhood friend, they always go out and party when dean come back to Seoul for a vacation. "....They used to." Zico nods. "But you dont want Dean to beat your ass, right? put your phone down. we're meeting him at 5." Zico said as he lies down back to his bed. "I dont have anything to say to that. Dean is dean" he laughs and heads out of the studio. "It's only 1 though, should I get some food for the whole crew? he nods. Mino has this weird habit asking his self all the time. his phone vibrates. "We're going to the club tonight, ready your girls for Dean, he needs a good welcome party." It's a message from Zico. "He makes me sound like im selling girls" he laughs s and replied Zico with an only "K" letter. 

It's already pass 4 Back to Dean's mansion and the maids are getting ready for dinner. "Where's Kwon Hyuk?" an unfamiliar voice asked one of the maids in the living room. the maid bowed and greets the middle aged man. "He is in his room sir, sleeping." she answers politely. "Should I wake him up and tell him you're here? she asked. The man just shake his head for a NO and the maid bowed her head again and goes to the kitchen and helps preparing the food. The middle aged man actually Dean's father. It's been 3 years since he last saw his only son. He loves dean but not as much as he loves his work. "Im only doing this for you, son. You might think I don't care about you but you'll thank me for all  the things I've done in the future" he walks straight to his office.  The alarm goes off and dean is still sleeping soundly, his father asked the maid to wake his son and have his dinner before meeting his friends. "Young master, your father is already waiting for you at the dinning table, please come down and have your dinner" the maid said after knocking the door. Dean is half awake while reaching the photo beside him. "My day is just about to start, mom." he smiles widely as he puts the photo back to its place. 

idk if you guys like the the first chapter but let me work hard with the next one! <3 drop me a message if you guys have any suggestion or something.. :---)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2016 ⏰

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