Chapter Six

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I saw Rachel a total of four times over the break. That's four more times then I'd planned on seeing her. It could have been more, but luckily, she lived part time at her Mom's house, and anyways, she was always out with friends. I was forced to apologize to her after the whole Christmas episode, which was awkward and unnecessary. But it made Mom happy and she didn't hate me, so it was worth it I guess.

                A few days after we went back to school, Mom invited Jake and Rachel over. It was the second time Rachel had visited, but it still disgusted me. I didn't want her inside my house, judging it and laughing on the inside when seeing our porcelain cat collection. It didn't feel right.

                "We have a little announcement," Mom said excitedly that night. She'd prepared hamburgers and ceaser salad. I thought it was delicious, but I'm sure Rachel was none too pleased, considering how  she was used to fancy five-course meals every night.

                "Actually, it's kind of a big one." Jake corrected her. I quickly glanced at my Mom's hands. No diamond ring, thank God. Still just that stupid, beautiful stone around her neck.

                "We're getting more serious." Mom began.

                "And even though we haven't been dating that long, it feels like we have been forever." Jake continued.

                "So we're moving in together!" Mom finished, with a huge smile.

                I almost passed out right there. Moving in? This was crazy talk. She practically just met the guy. Rachel burst into applause, and jumped up to hug her dad and my mom. Audrey got up silently and left. I didn't know what to do, so I forced a little smile.                      

                "Now, I know this a lot to process." Mom said once the excitement died down. "But -- where's Audrey?"

                "She had to use the washroom." I lied. I knew Mom would pick up on where Audrey had really went. Up to her room to sulk and punch old teddy bears.

                "Anyways, we're moving into Jake's because, of course, it's bigger." Mom explained. "You and your sister will both have your own room!"

                That was the only thing that sounds even half-decent about this whole arrangement.

                "Oh, Noelle!" Rachel exclaimed, looking over at me. "We'll practically be sisters!"

                "How exciting," I replied, oozing with false enthusiasm.

                "We're not making the move for at least another month," Mom informed us. "I'm mean, we don't want to go too fast with our relationship."

                I choose that moment to laugh out loud.


                I was walking around the house, calling out for my sister as if she was a lost cat. Nobody had seen her since her quick exit at supper, and that was three hours ago. Jake and Rachel were long since gone, skipping happily into the sunset. They make me so angry.

                But, now, we couldn't find Audrey. And our house isn't that big. She's always been good at hiding, but this time she's really outdone herself. Mom was freaking out, about ready to call the cops, and so I'm applauding my sister's skills. Well, I would have been applauding if I hadn't already spent a whole thirty minutes of my night playing search-and-rescue.

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