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“Miss (y/n), I believe you have you have a reasonable excuse for being tardy to my class.” Umbridge’s annoying voice called you out right as you settled your foot into her classroom. The freaky part was, was that her back was facing you. The pink witch turned her full attention to you as well as the students in your mixed house class. “I'm sorry ma'am. Rough morning.” You answered which wasn't exactly a lie.

After your night of activities last night involving a blonde and dark haired, your jaw and neck as well as your nether regions were sore as hell and aching. Like most of the nights with your boys, the next morning  was always the worst part. Not that you would tell them or were you complaining.

Umbridge only raised a perfectly plucked brow at you as well as her shit eating smile before she turned herself back to the blackboard in the front. “Detention, miss (y/n).”

Your mouth gaped open like a fish as words of utter disbelief leaked from our mouth. “Wha--I’m only five minutes late!”
She whipped back at you, “In the real world, being five minutes late will result in you becoming unemployed. If you don't practice in school, then you won't be prepared for the future. I only want what's best for you, my dear.” Umbridge returned her attention to the blackboard, signaling the conversation  was over.
“Detention. My office, 6 pm sharp.”

With another mutter of disbelief you stomped to your chair and plopped down in it. At this point not even caring if you were “disrupting” the class even more than you already have.
“Hey, love.” Draco purred as he slipped into the chair beside you. When study time had finally chimed, you immediately charged to the library, the results of the morning the pink witch bitch still upsetting you. “Love?”

“Hmm?” You replied lazily as you kept your attention on the book in front of you. “You okay?” Draco asked, knowing that something was eating you away--and clearly deriving your attention away from him.

With a huff and a clench of your jaw you turned your full attention to him. “No, Draco. I'm not okay. I have detention with that pink toad tonight. And all because I was five minutes late.”
Draco rested a hand on top of yours. “I'm just...I don't know how to feel. I'm...I'm scared Draco. What she did to Harry…” You couldn't continue on with you increasingly upset rant because the blonde had lifted you and rested you on his lap, cradling your head under his chin as he slowly started rocking you.

Pressing a gentle kiss onto your head, he whispered into your hair, “Whatever happens in there, Harry and I will be right outside, ok? You're out brave and strong little Hufflepuff. Hell, you managed to fit two cocks inside of you for your first time.” Your cheeks turned a flaming pink as you hit him on his chest, but nevertheless a small and embarrassed smile grew onto your face.
Draco snickered and pressed a kiss onto your forehead and he continued to cradle your head. “Okay, and just don't say that so casually in public every again.” You stated, making the blonde snicker again and nod.

After a moment of sneaked kisses and rocking, you broke the silence. “Hey, where’s Harry?” “Wow. I come to comfort you and love and dote on you, and you ask about him? You've wounded me.” Draco pulled away from the embrace to stare at you with a shake of his head.

You smacked his chest again with an eye roll. “Whatever,  Shakespeare.” Ignoring the fact you had called him something he had no clue about (since he's he's a pureblood), he answered your question. “I actually don't know where he is. It's strange, it's like he shows up for classes then he disappears--now that I mention it, Weasle-bee, Granger, and most of their group is missing too.”
“I wonder what they're doing.” You mused as you and one of your lovers sat in your embrace until you were shouted at by Madam Pince to get out of her library.
“Ah, miss (y/n). Please come in.” The pink witch greeted you as you opened the door to her office only to have your eyes bulge out of your head. Pink. Grandma-fied. That was probably the best and only way to describe the equally-horrible-as-herself-room. Pink and old.

Harry x Reader x Draco LEMONWhere stories live. Discover now