Movie Night

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Tee's POV:

We all sat on the sofa. I spread out my legs on the sofa so no one could sit next to me. MayLi put in the first movie as Mike called upstairs for Ryan, who was as usual a no show. "Whatever... I'm here.." Ryan rolled his eyes at Mike looking around the room. All seats were occupied so he pushed my legs of the seat and sat down next to me. "Urgh you're annoying!" I scowled at her repostioning myself on the sofa. "Whatever Taylor!" He groaned leaning back taking up most of the room on the sofa. I sighed and just focused on the movie. The movie was some sort of romance movie. Halfway through it was so cheesy that my brother Johnny had already sulked back upstairs. I just sighed and tried to concentrate. By the end most of the others were upstairs it was just Me, Carmen, Sasha, Bailey and Ryan left. "Lets watch a horror!" Bailey said flicking through the dvds MayLi had brought. He put a horror in the dvd player and we all watched excitedly. At one of the jump scares I jumped backwards and ending up jumping on Ryan. "Sorry..." I muttered. He just laughed. "You scared Taylor?" He chuckled smirking at me. "No!" I said bitterly at him. "Awwh diddums come here!" He laughed grabbing me by the waist and putting his arms around me lying down. Not going to lie he was rather comfortable and although I struggled for the first bit I ended up giving up. As the credits rolled I looked around the room and everyone was asleep including Ryan who still had his arms wrapped around me. I shook him off, accidently waking him up. "What are you doing Taylor?" He scowled at me. "Going to bed!" I whispered to him spitefully. He shook his head at me. "You're not going anywhere!" He smirked at me grabbing my hand and pulling me back to the sofa. "Ryan stop!" I shook away his hand and marched upstairs. I can't believe him. Why the hell did he want me to sleep on the sofa with him? There is something seriously wrong with that guy.

I woke up the next morning at 4am. Instead of going back to sleep I snuck downstairs and treated myself to some chocolate. I went into the living room to go watch some tv when I saw Bailey, Carmen, Sasha and Ryan all asleep on the sofas. Carmen and Bailey had fallen asleep in eachothers arms and it was rather cute. Sasha was completely sprawled out on the sofa and Ryan looked so cute when he slept. "Awwhh!" I exclaimed a little too loudly as Ryan started moving. "Sorry.... again...."I muttered as he woke up. "Urgh why is it always you waking me up Taylor?" he asked as I could hear the rage in his voice. "Sorry..." I mumbled before heading out into the garden to eat my breakfast. It was so cold that I was just about to head back inside as I felt a jacket being placed around me. "Here!" Ryan smirked at me nicking some of my toast. "Rude!" I laughed at him pinching it back off him. "I bit that!" He exclaimed as I ate the remaining toast. "I don't care!" I smirked at him and rolled my eyes. "So you don't care about sharing my sylivia!" He chuckled placing his arm around me. I shook him off and nudged him in the stomach marching out of the garden and back upstairs. I can't believe this guy.

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