Chapter 2

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We walk to him. I get nervous but excited to talk to him. Sasha was saying something, but it was hard to pay attention to what she was saying. I was only focus on every feature on his face. His light brown hair perfectly shaped. His lips, a perfect shade of light pink. But the best feature is his eyes, they are perfect and unique. They are hazel color, but on his left eye was different. It is also hazel, but only a third of it is blue. His mom has blue eyes and his dad has hazel eyes.

His body is perfectly fit. Everything of him is perfect. He is way out of my league. I guess I can dream.

It's horrible watching girls throw themselves at him. Every time we are at a party, is see his tongue down some girls throat.

We are a group. It's Sasha, Zachary, James, and me. We stick together. We always go everywhere together. We all once left a party early and there was a rumor that we left to have a four way. Its gross how everyone thinks. I mean they thought me and my brother would do that.

"Katherine, hello. You haven't said anything," she says snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"Well I was saying that I'm going to stay the night at your house and we are going to have a scary movie marathon."

"I love how you invited yourself to sleepover," I say while laughing.

We finally get to James.

"Hi girls," he say smoothly. "Where's your brother, Katherine?"

I love hearing my name come out of his mouth. "Uh, he's coming. I think. We left before he did."

There was a pause. I couldn't stop looking at his beautiful eyes.

"I'm so glad it's Friday! This week was soooooo long!" Sasha says trying to fill the silence.

"Hey!" I hear someone yell. I turn my head to see my brother running to us. He is always the last one of us to get to school. It's weird because me and Sasha get here first and we're girls. We always take a long time.

"Dude, why do you always get here last?" James says.

"Well, I have to look good for Jessica." Zachary says while having a big smirk on his face. I roll me eyes. I give Sasha a look. We are such good friends that if we make faces we can have a whole conversation. I gave her a ugh I hate Jessica look.

Jessica is my brother's girlfriend. She is the same age as Zachary. She's beautiful. I always have been jealous of her looks, but she was as fake as her boobs. In the beginning of last year I found out that she stuffs. She has long blonde hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. The worst part is that she is skinny. I wish I was skinny. I'm not fat, but when I see her makes me feel fat. Jessica can also eat anything and doesn't even gain a pound.

We all walk into the school we all have 7 periods. We don't have last period. It's great I love it. James and Zachary went their ways to get to first period. I have first period with Sasha. We quickly walk to science.

Once we walked in the the classroom I make eye contact with Kyle. I groan out loud and roll my eyes. I hear Sasha laughing.

"Well, let's get this day over with,"I say to Sasha.


Hello everyone!
Two new characters! Kyle and Jessica.
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. (Sorry that I put y'all I really do live in Texas it's you all) you will get to know one of the new characters next chapter so stay for that. Hope y'all enjoy my book.

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