Chapter 6

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By the time the food arrived, I was still super embarrassed and the rest of the them, only just finished sobering up from laughing so hard. Elijah and Xavier had tears running down their face from laughing so hard, that and they both nearly fell of their chairs from laughing so hard. I was glad the food had arrived, it gave them something else to think about other then my stupid antics. The table was filled with small talk, mainly the adults though, I think the rest of us were to hungry to talk as we devoured our food, of course we had to make it look normal and not like wolves, so we stuck to eating at a normal pace.

Throughout the restaurant you could hear the quiet chatter of people and knives forks scraping against place yet you could still hear the music.  I could hear the opening chords of She will be loved by Maroon 5 and then the lyrics flowed, Beauty queen of only eighteen she had some trouble with herself.  I couldn't help but sing along, quietly, "He was always there to help her, she always belonged to someone else." I don't think any one noticed so I stopped and carried on eating, my delicious pasta. "You have a wonderful singing voice." Luke muttered into my ear, I blushed and suddenly my food seemed a lot more interesting. "Thank you" I whispered back to him, he nodded so that indicates he heard me.

Everyone seemed to stop what they're doing just to look at Luke and I. Our mom's looked like they wanted to squeal like little school girls who just had their first kiss. But they refrained from doing so as we were out in public. Thank the Pope. That would've been worse then my little Joker escapade, earlier this evening.

The plates were cleared from the table, and the adults decided to let the us 'kids' as they call us, go and get ice cream at the ice cream shop just a few blocks down. Finally dessert! Just remember this, no matter how full you get there's always room for dessert because dessert goes to the heart not the stomach. I hate to sound like a little kid, oh who am I kidding I am practically a kid, but I practically ran out the restaurant as fast I could in heels, leaving the others running after me. "Rae! Stop running!" I heard Rhys yell. Oops? I thought as I stopped running and waited for them to catch up. The first-person to catch up with me was Elijah. We waited a whole five minutes for the rest. I mean it's ice cream, how do you walk slow when there's ice cream waiting for you?

I linked arms with Elijah and we started skipping the rest of the way. Half way through our skipping session Xavier decided to join us, Eli and I stopped and looked at him like he told us he pregnant. He smiled at us sheepishly, Eli and I looked at each other like what the hell and let him join. Now it was a three-way skipping session with me in the middle. What fun. Oh, you know you like being in the middle of a hottie sandwich, my conscience decided to just state. Yeah yeah, whatever you say. I started singing, Closer by the Chainsmokers. "Hey I was doing just fine before I met you,  I drink to much and thats an issue but I'm okay. They all looked at me like I was crazy but joined in anyway so well all sang the next line together, " Tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I never see them again. Then Elijah went, "I know it breaks your heart moved to the city in a broke down car and four years no calls, now your looking pretty in a hotel bar and I,I,I, can't stop and I,I,I, won't stop. Wow Eli could sing. Our singing escapade came to an end when I saw the ice cream shop and ran ahead, again. And you say you aren't a kid, my conscience says sarcastically. Oh shush up.

I stopped running at the entrance but I didn't stop quick enough and went sliding into the glass door and hit my head. Should I add that I fell, basically unconscious when I heard my name being called "Raelynn" it's Rhys, "Rae, stay with me,don't close your eyes." "But I'm sleepy." I answered, drowsily. "Rae, no, no. Look at me,Rae, look at me." Luke said.

"But your blurry how am I supposed to see you?" I rep led to him. "Elijah phone the ambulance." I heard Rhys yell. "I'm calling my mom and dad." I heard him mutter, to Luke. "Make sure to keep her awake." I heard him say, but his voice is getting further away. "Rhys, why are you so far away?" I ask. I heard him yell. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, it was getiing really hard to concentrate as well. "No Rae! We need you keep your eyes open!" I heard Xavier yell, well I think it was him. I heard the sirens in the back round, I also felt them strap me into the gurney. "Thats my baby!" I heard my mom yell. I finally let the darkness consume me.

Luke's POV

"Only one person in the ambulance with her." Said the paramedic. "I'll go." Rhys said. I honestly have no idea what happened, but I feel somewhat guilty becasue we all let her run ahead when we should've stopped her. And now she's passed out totally unconscious. I probably had a straight face, showing no emotion what so ever. I really have no idea, what this girl is doing to me, when we were dancing I wanted to keep her in my arms forever and now she's on the way to the hospital. And the rest of us were not far behind we all hopped into our cars and raced there. Xav and I were the first ones there, we saw Rhys in the waiting room and rushed to him

"How is she?" I asked him. "Not well, as soon as we got in they rushed her in for a CAT Scan." He replied, his voice cracking, he was close to tears and you could see it. I really hope she's fine. I sat down next to him and put my head in my hands. Praying.

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