Chapter 2

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*At bedroom *
'Ughh I feel strange, why when I'm always at school I feel like someone watching me.. Aa stop it stop it 😣'

A knocking from your door,

"My lady, would you like have some cookies? "

"Um no thanks Jaehe"

"Okay" you heard Jaehe walk away.

*sigh* 'I think I better have some sleep' thought yourself.

*the next day*at classroom *

You head is looking at the window, but in your mind.. Dreamy~

"Miss (l/n)! "

You quickly look at the teacher


"Please answer question G"

"The answer is caring because like we all see in the picture"

"Okay good"

'Ughh to easy =.= can this class just end"

*end class~*

You were walking at school hall until suddenly you bumping with someone

"Hey watch where you going "

"Ah sorry"

You look up and,

"Jungkook.. "

"Hey.. "

"Sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Nono it's okay here"

"Um.. Sorry"

"No, really it's okay.. Hey do you free tomorrow? "

"Yup.. I am why? "

"Cool.. I want you to come at my photo shoot tomorrow "

"Oh.. Wait wattt"

"Yup please.. Here"
He give you a card that have name of the photo shoot and location.

"Please come.. Byebye"
He just walk away.

'Ugh.. Hmm.. Fine'


"Wait.. Whaaattt"

"Yup.. Jungkook asked me to come his shooting tomorrow "

"Umm.. That cool.. Yup you should "

"..wait.. I thought you gonna stop me"

"Me stop you? Pftt hahahaha.. Nah you should go ╮(╯▽╰)╭"

"K... "

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